Eligibility for In-State Tuition

Dependent children and spouses of Veterans who can demonstrate eligibility of a transferred GI Bill® entitlement, CH 33 - Post 9/11 (including the Fry Scholarship), and CH 35 - Dependents Education Assistance are eligible for in-state tuition and fee assessment. Individuals must remain continuously enrolled to continue eligibility. Eligibility is demonstrated through a current Certificate of Eligibility (COE). A COE can be obtained from the VA at www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply. Use of the benefit is not mandatory. Non-resident students will remain classified as non-resident while being assessed in-state tuition and fees. Please be aware that receiving in-state tuition may impact student financial aid, scholarship, and grant awards.

To request in-state tuition submit required documentation to the Office of the Registrar as indicated below.

Approved documentation includes:

Current Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for benefits

Documentation may be mailed, faxed, emailed, or submitted to:

Iowa State University
Veteran Services
214 Enrollment Services Center
2433 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 50011-2042

Fax: 515 294-1088 (Mask SSN prior to faxing for security purposes)

Email: vacertofficials@iastate.edu (redact SSN)

Non-resident students who are not eligible for in-state tuition based on military affiliation may gain Iowa residency by completing the 12-month residency process. For more information on gaining Iowa residency, visit the Resident Classification webpage.


"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.