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Learn More about Iowa State's Tuition and Fees

  • Tuition and Mandatory Fees

    Explore a detailed breakdown of tuition assessed by credit and the mandatory fees specific to your major.

  • Program-Specific and Additional Fees

    There are certain fees that are applied to certain courses, programs, interests, new students and specific situation. Review these fees to prepare for your semester costs.

  • Distance Education Tuition and Fees

    Distance education programs at Iowa State University follow distinct tuition and fee assessment rates. Rates can vary by program and academic level.

  • Tuition and Fees Adjustment

    Tuition and mandatory fees are subject to adjustment based on different schedule changes during certain times of the semester.

    Review the tuition adjustment deadlines to become well-informed on the financial impacts of making a schedule change once an academic term has started.  

  • Understanding Your Tuition and Fees

    Tuition rates can very by program and by college. Take time to understand your tuition assessment by learning more about differential tuition assessment and mandatory fee exceptions. 

  • Expense Planning, Billing and Payment Resources

    There are several resources that help to prepare students and families to manage their tuition and fee assessment for an upcoming academic period.