Eligibility for In-State Tuition:

Contact vacertofficials@iastate.edu to inquire if you are eligible.

Eligibility for Iowa Residency:

A person who is moved into the state as the result of military or civil orders from the government for other than educational purposes, and their dependent children and spouse/domestic partner are eligible for Iowa resident classification.

To request Iowa residency, submit required documentation to the Office of the Registrar as indicated below.

Approved documentation includes:

Military Personnel: current orders
Dependent child: Servicemember’s current orders, and Servicemember’s tax return with student listed as a dependent
Spouse: Servicemember’s current orders and marriage certificate
Domestic partner: Servicemember’s current orders and Affidavit of Domestic Partner Relationship

Military personnel who are not domiciled in Iowa, but claim Iowa as their military home of record and file Iowa resident income taxes, their dependent children and spouse/domestic partner are eligible for Iowa resident classification.

To request Iowa residency, submit required documentation to the Office of the Registrar as indicated below.

Approved documentation includes:

Military Personnel: home of record and Iowa tax return
Dependent child: Servicemember’s home of record and Iowa tax return with student listed as a dependent
Spouse: Servicemember’s home of record and Iowa tax return and marriage certificate
Domestic partner: Servicemember’s home of record and Iowa tax return and Affidavit of Domestic Partner Relationship

Documentation may be mailed, faxed, emailed, or submitted to:

Iowa State University
Veteran Services
214 Enrollment Services Center
2433 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 50011-2042

Fax: 515 294-1088 (Mask SSN prior to faxing for security purposes)

Email: vacertofficials@iastate.edu (redact SSN)

Eligibility for Iowa Residency:

A Veteran who is domiciled in Iowa and files Iowa resident income taxes is eligible for Iowa resident classification.

To request Iowa resident classification, submit a copy of the Veteran's DD214 and a copy of the Veteran's most recent Iowa resident tax return to the Office of the Registrar as indicated below.

Documentation may be mailed, faxed, emailed, or submitted to:

Iowa State University
Rm 010 Enrollment Services Center
2433 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 50011-2042

Fax: 515 294-1088 (Mask SSN prior to faxing for security purposes)

Email: iowaresidency@iastate.edu (redact SSN)