Why doesn’t my course show a grade?

Your instructor has not yet reported a grade for you. If a grade doesn’t appear in Workday within two weeks after the term ends, contact the instructor. If you are unable to contact the instructor or feel you are not getting an adequate response, contact the chair of the teaching department office for the course.

I have an “I” grade listed for a course, what does that mean?

An I grade indicates you have not completed all the course work as determined by your instructor. You need to contact the instructor to find out what you need to do to resolve the I. An I grade converts to an F grade after one calendar year for all undergraduate courses and graduate courses, with the exception of 599 and 699 courses. An I grade does not affect the GPA until a grade is recorded, then the cumulative GPA is recalculated. If you are not able to contact the instructor or if you feel you are not getting an adequate response, contact the Chair of the teaching department for the course.

My grade on a course is not correct-what can I do?

You need to contact your instructor and verify that the proper grade was reported to the Office of the Registrar. In the event that you are unable to contact the instructor or feel you are not getting adequate responses, contact the Chair of the teaching department for the course. If the grade the instructor reported does not agree with the display in Workday, contact the Office of the Registrar at 294-1840 and ask for the Records area. You will have an opportunity to explain the situation to a staff person. Staff will check the original grade form to determine which grade was reported by the instructor.

Why are courses I transferred from another university/college not showing in Workday?

Sometimes the volume of transfer evaluations being processed creates a delay in transferring the courses to the system that displays your transcript. (This is especially true in the Fall.) If you are a new transfer student to Iowa State, call the Office of Admissions at 294-5836 to check the status of transfer courses. If you are a current or re-entry student at Iowa State, your credit will be evaluated by the Office of the Registrar. You can check your transfer credit status by calling 294-9372 or email tce@iastate.edu.

When will I be able to view my grades?

Generally, grades are recorded and available in Workday approximately four working days after the last day of final week for a term. Summer course grades are all recorded at the end of the last summer session in August.