A B E 334X. Principles of Ecological Engineering. (2-2). Cr. 3. Prereq: A B E 378; (BIOL 211, BIOL 212, or BIOL 251); (CHEM 167 or CHEM 177). Introduction to principles of ecological engineering including ecosystems ecology, nutrient cycling, material and energy balances; emphasize the interaction of soil, water, plants, and microbes in ecosystems, the role of humans in ecosystems, and the application of ecological principles to design.
A B E 434X. Ecosystem Restoration Engineering. (Dual listed with A B E 534X). (2-3). Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: (BIOL 211, BIOL 212 or BIOL 251); (CHEM 167, CHEM 177, or CHEM 178); (ABE 431 or C E 372); or Permission of Instructor. Apply governing principles of ecological engineering, including biological, chemical, and physical conditions, to restoration design. Ecological concepts, such as water and elemental cycling, energy flow through systems, ecological disturbance, and natural and anthropogenic stresses. Design approaches focus on nature-based solutions, stakeholder engagement, and adaptive management. Restoration applications include streams, floodplains and riparian zones, wetlands, and prairies.
A B E 450X. Emerging Technologies in Biomanufacturing. (Dual-listed with A B E 550X). (2-3) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: A B E 380. Overview, theory, unit operations, modeling, and engineering design of new technologies used in food and biomanufacturing, including bioreactors, culture- and cell-based products, pumping, heat transfer, separations systems, emerging technologies and processes.
A B E 534X. Ecosystem Restoration Engineering. (Dual listed with A B E 434X). (2-3). Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: (BIOL 211, BIOL 212 or BIOL 251); (CHEM 167, CHEM 177, or CHEM 178); (ABE 431 or C E 372); or Permission of Instructor. Apply governing principles of ecological engineering, including biological, chemical, and physical conditions, to restoration design. Ecological concepts, such as water and elemental cycling, energy flow through systems, ecological disturbance, and natural and anthropogenic stresses. Design approaches focus on nature-based solutions, stakeholder engagement, and adaptive management. Restoration applications include streams, floodplains and riparian zones, wetlands, and prairies.
A B E 550X. Emerging Technologies in Biomanufacturing. (Dual-listed with A B E 450X). (2-3) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: A B E 380. Overview, theory, unit operations, modeling, and engineering design of new technologies used in food and biomanufacturing, including bioreactors, culture- and cell-based products, pumping, heat transfer, separations systems, emerging technologies and processes.
A B E 585X. Biosystems for Sustainable Development. (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Understanding and appreciation of sustainable development issues related to food, water, energy, and climate change nexus and its implications for environmental sustainability, nutrition security, one health, and economic development of communities in the US and other countries. Application of basic agricultural, biological, math, and engineering/applied sciences to solve society’s problems for water, food, energy, and environment systems. Emphasis placed on learning from case studies and developing sustainable solutions for communities. Students will learn to lead by example, improve their leadership and communication skills to understand local conditions and motivate themselves and others to improve the world around us. Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
A M D 509X. Clothing Comfort: Theory and Practice . (3-0) Cr. 3. F. The background knowledge and relevant theories on clothing comfort issues, specifically the functional garment and protective clothing, will be introduced. The heat stress/heat strain associated with wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) will be explored and studied. Several cases on sportswear, firefighter gear, military personnel, mining workers, medical practitioners and law enforcement will be analyzed. The current standard related to clothing comfort testing and evaluation from textile material to garment will be reviewed. The performance evaluation through textile material and clothing testing and analysis will be practiced through a course research project.
A M D 562X. Fashion Studies, Culture, Industry, and Social Justice. (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F. Prereq: A M D 165 or 3 credits in WGS, SOC, or ANTHR; or permission of instructor. Analysis of fashion and cultural practices of historically marginalized communities with a focus on power, privilege, and social justice. Heightened attention towards the 20th and 21st centuries. Examination of the way the global fashion industry intersects with and is related to the communities and their dress practices under study. Emphasis on ethnographic research methods.
AER E 364X. Cyber-Physical Systems Application. (Cross-listed with CPS 364X). (2-2) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ENGR 160 or equivalent course; credit or enrollment in MATH 267; knowledge of Python. Fundamental principles of cyber-physical systems and their system-level applications at an introductory level; introduction to radio control systems and control of actuators; computer programming of physical systems; data processing and communication; control loops; X-by-wire control systems; simulation; testing of control loops.
AER E 544X. Viscous Flow. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AER E 311 or M E 335. Kinematics and dynamics of compressible viscous fluid flow in aerodynamics. Derivation of the Navier-Stokes and compressible Prandtl boundary layer equations. Asymptotic analysis and solution methods for low/high Reynolds number compressible boundary layer flows.
AESHM 345X. Retail/Hospitality Experiences & Events. Cr. 1-3. Survey course of retail and hospitality events. Production and execution of retail and hospitality events in the Student Innovation Center.
AESHM 462X. Black Lives Matter: Fashion, Politics, and Resistance Movements. (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S. (Offered 2022). Prereq: A M D 165 or permission of instructor. Use historical and cultural methods to examine the history of the Black Lives Matter movement its relationship to past resistance/activist movements and fashion and appearance. Summarize and evaluate literature on Black activism and Black identity. Plan and develop a public exhibition and opening event. Meets U.S. Diveristy Requirement.
AESHM 470MX. Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel (Out-of-state). Cr. 3-6. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: AESHM 311, 9 credits in A M D, and minimum 2.0 GPA; permission by application; junior or senior classification; employer/location should be different than employer/location for AESHM 170 and 270. Supervised work experience with a cooperating firm or organization.
AGEDS 115X. Professional Development in Agricultural Education and Studies: Seminar. (1-0) Cr. 1. Repeatable. Prereq: Undergraudate student in AG ST or AGLSE. Topics vary according to student interest. Materials related to current issues in Agricultural Education and Studies.
AGEDS 227X. Fundamentals of Visual Communication for Agriculture and Life Sciences. (3-0). Cr. 3. F.S. Introduction to the fundamentals of visual communication as used in agricultural and life
sciences contexts. Overviews of photography and videography and how they are both used to
communicate agricultural and life sciences topics to strategic audiences.
AGEDS 240X. Introduction to Intercultural Competency in Agriculture. (3-0). Cr. 3. F. Overview of the theory of cultural competency through the lens of social justice and multicultural education. Role of cultural competency in agriculture and food system professions. Guided learning experiences, reflections, dialogues and conversations.
AGEDS 263X. Communicate with Impact in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life Sciences. (3-0). Cr. 3.F.S. This course covers communication concepts and practices in the context of agriculture, natural resources, and life sciences. Topics examined in this course include the foundation of
communication, persuasion, message strategies on different communication channels with diverse audiences for various purposes, and ethical implications of persuasion in a number of agricultural communication contexts.
AGEDS 460X. Capstone in Agricultural Studies -- Multidisciplinary Option. (3-0). Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Graduating senior in agricultural studies. Capstone course focusing on connecting the education, skills, and experiences gained during students’ experience in the Agricultural Studies Multidisciplinary option program to aide in preparing for life after college. This course challenges students to uncover the wild and wicked challenges 21st century agriculture is facing, while employing their skills and expertise to develop solutions for these issues.
AGEDS 463X. Communicating Contemporary Issues in Agriculture. (3-0). Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Senior Classification. Focuses on improving students’ awareness, comprehension, and communication of current and emerging issues facing agriculture and natural resources in Iowa, the United States, and worldwide. Students will be exposed to these issues by reading articles, engaging in dialogue with various players, and identifying ways to address them. Course will enhance students’ written and oral communication skills on contemporary agriculture and natural resources issues.
AGEDS 580X. A Survey of Leadership Theories. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Examine postulates, applications and limitations of various leadership theories such as Transformational Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Adaptive Leadership. Valuable to individuals interested in pursuing leadership opportunities in academia and business; and specifically Agricultural Education, Communication and Extension Education.
AGRON 240X. Hemp: Potential and Constraints for a New Crop. (Cross-listed with ENT 240X). (2-0). Cr. 2. History, biology, and agronomy of hemp as it is allowed to be grown in Iowa.
AGRON 482X. Soils of the Tropics. (Cross-listed with GLOBE 482X). (3-0). Cr. 3. S. Prereq: 9 credits in AGRON, GLOBE, ENSCI or related discipline. AGRON 354 recommended. Properties, classification, and geographic distribution of tropical and near-tropical soils and landscapes with emphasis on their suitability for cropping
AM IN 327X. Native American Agriculture. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: AM IN 210 recommended. Indigenous agriculture in North America. Topics include pre-contact agriculture in North America, cultural perspectives on agriculture, the changes caused by contact with Europeans, and the state of contemporary Native agriculture in a global market. Themes may include Native solutions to challenges of hunger and inadequate nutrition, food sovereignty, seed saving, and food deserts. Meets U.S. Diveristy Requirement.
AN S 219X. Survey of Animal Nutrition . (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: BIOL 101, BIOL 212 or equivalent and CHEM 163, 167, 177 or 201 . Nutrients, simple digestion and absorption, feed management strategies, nutrient requirements, ration formulation for livestock and companion animals. Students may not recieve graduation credit for both AN S 219 and AN S 319 or for both AN S 219 and AN S 320.
AN S 351X. Principles of Domestic Animal Genetics. (Cross-listed with GEN 351X). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: BIOL 211, BIOL 212, and STAT 101 or 104. Foundation of genetics, genomics, and statistical concepts in domestic animal populations.
ANTHR 312X. Evolution of the Human Diet. (3-0). Cr. 3. F. Exploration of the biological and archaeological evidence for how the human diet has changed over time and space; overview of key concepts and terms involved in the study of human diet, including macronutrients and digestive physiology; a comparative survey of the diets and feeding behaviors of extant primate species; overview of the fossil record of the human lineage with an emphasis on the evidence for dietary adaptations over time; the archaeological and biological evidence for the domestication of plants and animals; and a discussion of the modern food production system.
ARABC 371X. The Arabian Nights. (Cross-listed with WLC 371X). (3-0). Cr. 3. Focus on the tales of the famous ‘1001 Arabian Nights’ book. Discussions of the narrative tools, supernatural elements, and the culture of the Medieval Middle East. Readings, discussions, and papers in English.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
ARCH 579X. Methods for Interdisciplinary Research. (Cross-listed with HCI 579X). (3-0). Cr. 3. Prereq: Senior or graduate classification. Introduction to qualitative, quantitative, and experimental methods for interdisciplinary research. Themes drawn from architectural history, design fields, human computer interaction, and applied social sciences; guest speakers attend to present their research methodologies. Students develop a research paper on a topic of their choice.
ARTGR 550X. User Experience Methodologies. (Cross-listed with HCI 550X). (3-0). Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate classification or Permission of Instructor. Fundamentals of lean user experience design, discovery and process.
ARTID 354X. Textiles for Interiors. Cr. 2. Prereq: ARTID 350 or ARTIS 214. Attention to fibers, yarn, weaves, construction, and finishes of textiles. Technical and practical considerations, such as pattern, performance, and appearance, for end-use textile application for a wide range of interior spaces. An overview on the selection, manufacturer, and specification of furniture.
ARTIS 170X. Exploring the Visual Arts. (3-0) Cr. 3. Visual arts and how it relates to individuals, their community, and the importance in a cultural and global context. Understand vocabulary of the visual arts, and develop strategies for observation and critical thinking through assignments including reflective writing and observational analysis on various works of art. Engage with various visual art topics and disciplines such as: defining what art is, learning about types of art and its use and meaning of materials, how art plays a role in the expression of humanity, and how personal awareness and perspective can benefit from the engagement of art.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
ARTIS 355X. Letterpress Book Arts. (0-6). Cr 3. Repeatable. F. Development of an understanding and appreciation for print media and books as a fine art practice. Students will explore the potential of materials, form, and narrative and how they relate to letterpress printing and book arts. Traditional and contemporary artists’ work will be used to discuss the history of printing, books, and paper. Emphasis will be placed on experimental and creative use of printmaking, with study of contemporary trends.
ARTIS 406X. Introduction to 3D Organic Modeling in ZBrush. (Cross-listed with BPM I 406X). (0-6). Cr 3. Repeatable. S. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or BPM I 326 or Permission of Instructor. Introduction to organic 3D model creation in ZBrush. Digital clay sculpting informed by traditional techniques. 3D printing pipeline. Emphasis on science research and visual design thinking for science communication. Some experience with other 3D modeling software beneficial, but not required.
ARTIS 470X. Data, Code, and Form. (Cross-listed with BPM I 470X). (Dual-listed with ARTIS 570X) (0-6). Cr 3. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or ARTIS 326/BPMI 326 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor. Data visualization: strategies, principles, and tools for encoding data in visual art, applied art, and creative industry practices. The aesthetics of encoded data in creative practices. An overview of working with data as artistic and visual communication media including data acquisition, organization, representing, and interacting with data through art and design. Producing data display outputs that include a range of displays from screen to installation.
ARTIS 555X. Graduate Letterpress Book Arts. (0-6). Cr. 3. Repeatable. Prereq: Graduate classification or Permission of Instructor. Development of an understanding and appreciation for print media and books as a fine art practice. Students will explore the potential of materials, form, and narrative and how they relate to letterpress printing and book arts. Traditional and contemporary artists’ work will be used to discuss the history of printing, books, and paper. Emphasis will be placed on experimental and creative use of printmaking, with study of contemporary trends.
ARTIS 570X. Data, Code, and Form. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 470X) (0-6). Cr 3. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or ARTIS 326/BPMI 326 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor. Data visualization: strategies, principles, and tools for encoding data in visual art, applied art, and creative industry practices. The aesthetics of encoded data in creative practices. An overview of working with data as artistic and visual communication media including data acquisition, organization, representing, and interacting with data through art and design. Producing data display outputs that include a range of displays from screen to installation.