Departments need to share the following information for any test-out they offer:

  • Application Deadlines/Details: Application deadline, where to submit an application, and any cancellation deadlines to avoid being charged a fee (if applicable).
  • Eligibility: Any eligibility requirements to take the exam (if the department has set any restrictions). For example:
    • To be eligible for the English 3140 test-out exam, you:
      • Must not currently be enrolled in 3140;
      • Must have at least a junior classification;
      • Must have completed English 1500 and 2500; and
      • Must be taking the test-out exam for the first time (Note. University policy prevents repeats).
  • Test Format: A brief description of the exam format and content, including length of time allowed to complete the exam.
  • Testing Date, Location, and Time
  • What to Bring to the Exam
  • Accommodation Note: If you are asking for accommodated testing arrangements, please contact Student Accessibility Services ( | 515-294-7220) to schedule a meeting and request a Student Academic Accommodation Request form (SAAR form).
    • Note. The completed SAAR and registration forms must be returned at least ten days prior to the testing date.
  • Evaluation: Provide a brief description of how the exam will be evaluated and/or what the passing score for the exam will be. Also indicate when and how students can expect to learn exam results.

Information must be provided either online or via a handout given to students.