A B E 327L. Animal Production Systems Design Lab. (0-2) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in TSM 327. Engineering analysis of Livestock and Poultry production systems as related to applications of Precision Livestock Farming Technology (PLFT), economic and environmental management, and manure and nutrient management. Focus on the design of animal production systems based on ASABE/NRCS Standards and Local Codes. Concrete and earthen manure storages and open-lot runoff management structures; utilization of RUSLE-2 and P-index in the development of comprehensive nutrient management plans; making economic and environmental management decisionsrelated to improving production, gaseous emissions reporting, and odor mitigation.
A B E 375X. Introduction to Global Engineering. (Cross-listed with ENGR 375X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Junior classification in engineering, or instructor permission. Focus will be on preparing future engineers to be change-makers, peacemakers, social entrepreneurs, and facilitators of sustainable human development, and equip them with the tools, knowledge, global perspective, and entrepreneurial mindset required to solve the world’s most pressing issues. Understanding the role that engineers play in sustainable human development, global engineering, and international development. Faculty and guest speakers with first-hand experience and subject matter expertise will provide real-world insights and a practical framework for conducting small-scale engineering projects in low income countries through a combination of community development practices, appropriate technologies, and engineering project management.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
A B E 516X. Data Science and Analytics for Agricultural and Biosystem Engineers. (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Credit in A B E 160 or equivalent. Introduction to research methods associated with data science concepts and their applications. Analyses and research related to agricultural and biosystems engineering and technology; methods to develop and maintain reproducible data analysis pipelines; best practices of data visualization and communication of data-driven results to broad audiences; concepts of data integrity and ethics.
A B E 585X. Biosystems for Sustainable Development. (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Understanding and appreciation of sustainable development issues related to food, water, energy, and climate change nexus and its implications for environmental sustainability, nutrition security, one health, and economic development of communities in the US and other countries. Application of basic agricultural, biological, math, and engineering/applied sciences to solve society’s problems for water, food, energy, and environment systems. Emphasis placed on learning from case studies and developing sustainable solutions for communities. Students will learn to lead by example, improve their leadership and communication skills to understand local conditions and motivate themselves and others to improve the world around us.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
A ECL 372X. Wildlife Population Methods . (1-8) Cr. 4. SS. Prereq: BIOL 312 or NREM 311. Field-intensive study of population ecology. Emphasis on hands-on learning of study design and techniques to assess population trends in plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates inhabiting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
A ECL 375X. Marine Ecology and Ecosystems Dynamics. (Cross-listed with BIOL 375X and ENSCI 375X). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: BIOL 211 and completion or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 212. Overview of the ecological processes, ecosystems, and biodiversity in marine environments. Ever-changing dynamics caused by environmental disturbances, internal forces, or by human impacts on species and ecosystems.
A ECL 435X. Entomology Field Trip. (Cross-listed with ENT 435X). (1-6) Cr. 2. Repeatable. Irr. S. Irr SS. Prereqs: BIOL 312 (or equivalent) and permission of instructor; ENT 370 or ENT 425 (or equivalent) recommended. Field trip to study insects of major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Location and duration vary.
A ECL 444X. Aquatic Toxicology. (Dual-listed with A ECL 544X and TOX 544X; cross-listed with TOX 444X). (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereqs: Graduate student status, or undergraduate status having declared a minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology, or having completed BIOL 211 and BIOL 212. An overview of interactions between anthropogenic chemicals and aquatic ecosystems. Topics include history of aquatic toxicology, methods of toxicity testing, and species responses to toxicants. Emphasis is on aquatic pollutants of emerging concern (e.g., nanoparticles, microplastics).
A ECL 544X. Aquatic Toxicology. (Dual-listed with A ECL 444X and TOX 444X; cross-listed with TOX 544X). (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereqs: Graduate student status, or undergraduate status having declared a minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology, or having completed BIOL 211 and BIOL 212. An overview of interactions between anthropogenic chemicals and aquatic ecosystems. Topics include history of aquatic toxicology, methods of toxicity testing, and species responses to toxicants. Emphasis is on aquatic pollutants of emerging concern (e.g., nanoparticles, microplastics).
A M D 288X. Styling. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: A M D 131, A M D 275. Focus on the many facets of the styling profession, including commercial styling, editorial (magazine) styling, personal style consultation, and red-carpet styling. Study of the practical requirements of the profession and the importance of an appropriate digital presence. Course will utilize a hands-on approach with lectures and projects.
A M D 355X. Textile History: Global Perspectives of Textiles. (3-0). Cr. 3. S.SS Prereq: 3 credits HIST or ART H; A M D 204 recommended. Survey of world textile history from prehistory to the present. Emphasis on how social, cultural, artistic, technological, and economic contexts have affected the development of world textiles and on the interrelationships among their designs, techniques, symbolism, and meanings. Heightened attention to issues of power, privilege, and equity. Hands-on experience with textile making.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
A M D 366X. History of Menswear. (3-0) Cr. 3. Focus on the important changes in European and American menswear from the Renaissance to the present. Discussion of changing silhouettes and styles, and special topics in menswear such as the codification of the suit, dandyism, and subcultural styles. A strong emphasis will be placed on how men’s dress is connected to the social, cultural, political, economic, environmental, and technological contexts of the Western world.
A M D 388X. Trend Forecasting. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: A M D 204, A M D 245, A M D, 275, 3 credits from ACCT 284, MATH 104, MATH 105, MATH 140, MATH 150, or equivalent. Explore many facets of fashion forecasting, including trend research, managing inspiration sources and trend ideas, product adoption, degrees of difference, and turning a fashion forecast into a buying plan. Applications of fashion forecasting will be examined, who does it and how it fits into various careers. The course will utilize a hands-on approach with lecture, discussion, and projects.
A M D 509X. Clothing Comfort: Theory and Practice . (3-0) Cr. 3. F. The background knowledge and relevant theories on clothing comfort issues, specifically the functional garment and protective clothing, will be introduced. The heat stress/heat strain associated with wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) will be explored and studied. Several cases on sportswear, firefighter gear, military personnel, mining workers, medical practitioners and law enforcement will be analyzed. The current standard related to clothing comfort testing and evaluation from textile material to garment will be reviewed. The performance evaluation through textile material and clothing testing and analysis will be practiced through a course research project.
ACCT 461X. Entrepreneurship and Accounting Information . (Cross-listed with ENTSP 461X). (Dual listed with ACCT 561X). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: ACCT 284. Accounting information recording, dissemination, and use by entrepreneurs. Introduces pro forma financials, venture capital, private equity, and state and federal regulations for business creation and formation. Other topics include intrapreneurship, intellectual property, information privacy, cybersecurity, and internal controls, including managing the risk of embezzlement.
ACCT 561X. Entrepreneurship and Accounting Information . (Dual-listed with 461X). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: ACCT 284. Accounting information recording, dissemination, and use by entrepreneurs. Introduces pro forma financials, venture capital, privateequity, and state and federal regulations for business creation and formation. Other topics include intrapreneurship, intellectual property,information privacy, cybersecurity, and internal controls, including managing the risk of embezzlement.
ACCT 580A. CPA Exam Preparation - AUD. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: Master of Accounting student. Preparation for the Auditing and Attestation (AUD) section of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. Only two of ACCT 580A, 580B, 580C, 580D, 580E, and 580F may count toward graduation. Offered satisfactory-fail only.
ACCT 580B. CPA Exam Preparation - BEC. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: Master of Accounting student. Preparation for the Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) section of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. Only two of ACCT 580A, 580B, 580C, 580D, 580E, and 580F may count toward graduation. Offered satisfactory-fail only.
ACCT 580C. CPA Exam Preparation - FAR. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: Master of Accounting student. Preparation for the Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) section of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. Only two of ACCT 580A, 580B, 580C, 580D, 580E, and 580F may count toward graduation. Offered satisfactory-fail only.
ACCT 580D. CPA Exam Preparation - REG. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: Master of Accounting student. Preparation for the Regulation (REG) section of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. Only two of ACCT 580A, 580B, 580C, 580D, 580E, and 580F may count toward graduation. Offered satisfactory-fail only.
ACCT 580E. CMA Exam Preparation - Part 1. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: Master of Accounting student. Preparation for Part 1 (Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics) of the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) examination. Only two of ACCT 580A, 580B, 580C, 580D, 580E, and 580F may count toward graduation. Offered satisfactory-fail only.
ACCT 580F. CMA Exam Preparation - Part 2. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: Master of Accounting student. Preparation for Part 2 (Strategic Financial Management) of the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) examination. Only two of ACCT 580A, 580B, 580C, 580D, 580E, and 580F may count toward graduation. Offered satisfactory-fail only.
ACSCI 391X. Actuarial Exam P Lab. (1-0) Cr. 1. F.S.SS. Prereq: STAT 326. Material review for actuarial exam P.
ACSCI 392X. Actuarial Exam FM Lab. (1-0) Cr. 1. F.S.SS. Prereq: MATH 240. Material review for actuarial exam FM.
AER E 364X. Cyber-Physical Systems Application. (Cross-listed with CPS 364X). (2-2) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ENGR 160 or equivalent course; credit or enrollment in MATH 267; knowledge of Python. Fundamental principles of cyber-physical systems and their system-level applications at an introductory level; introduction to radio control systems and control of actuators; computer programming of physical systems; data processing and communication; control loops; X-by-wire control systems; simulation; testing of control loops.
AER E 365X. Avionics and Controls Laboratory. (1-2) Cr. 2. F. Pre-reqs: AER E 160, AER E 161, enrollment or credit in MATH 267. Fundamental principles of digital avionics; radio control systems and pulse-width-modulation control of servos and motors; programming embedded systems; data communication; PID control loops; fly-by-wire control systems; simulation; bench/flight testing of control loops.
AER E 515X. Atomistic and Multiscale Mechanics of Materials. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: E M 510; E M 516; AER E 525. Introduction to atomistic and multiscale computational methodology for the graduate-level study of mechanics of materials. At the end of this course, students will have an awareness and understanding of the application of atomistic and multiscale materials modeling techniques to fracture, plasticity, phase transformation, corrosion, thermal and mass transport in a variety of engineering materials.
AER E 590QX. Aerospace Engineering Independent Study: Astrodynamics. Cr. 1-5. F.S.SS. Repeatable. Independent Study for Astrodynamics.
AER E 590RX. Aerospace Engineering Independent Study: Ocean Wave Energy Conversion. Cr. 1-5. F.S.SS. Repeatable. Independent Study for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion.
AER E 651X. Space Trajectory Optimization. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AER E 451, AER E 551. Classical methods and recent advances in space trajectory optimization. Primer vector theory, introduction to direct and indirect methods for trajectory optimization, the problem of multi gravity assist with deep space maneuvers (MGADSM), optimization of the MGADSM using evolutionary algorithms, hidden genes genetic algorithms for trajectory optimization, and shape-based methods for trajectory design.
AESHM 111X. Professional Development for AESHM . (1-0) Cr. 1. F.S. Prereq: Concurrent with AESHM 112 . Introduction to: Career Services, resumes and portfolios, presentation skills, intrapersonal skills with a wellness focus, interpersonal skills including leadership, business etiquette, and professional ethics.
AESHM 345X. Retail/Hospitality Experiences & Events. Cr. 1-3. Survey course of retail and hospitality events. Production and execution of retail and hospitality events in the Student Innovation Center.
AESHM 462X. Black Lives Matter: Fashion, Politics, and Resistance Movements. (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S. (Offered 2022). Prereq: A M D 165 or permission of instructor. Use historical and cultural methods to examine the history of the Black Lives Matter movement its relationship to past resistance/activist movements and fashion and appearance. Summarize and evaluate literature on Black activism and Black identity. Plan and develop a public exhibition and opening event.
AESHM 501X. Introduction to Scholarly Research for Graduate Students. Cr. 1. F.S.SS. Focus on the basics of developing scholarly research, including definition and purpose of research and the components of research reporting. Emphasis on standards for each section of research reports. Tips for research reporting and processes of research development. An introduction to ethical standards. Required of all new AESHM graduate students.
Satisfactory-Fail only.
AESHM 502X. Research Methods in Apparel, Events, and Hospitality. (3-0) Cr. 3. SS. Prereq: Enrolled in graduate program. Overview of research method. Understanding the preliminary considerations for selecting qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research design. Includes knowing the definition for these different approaches, considering philosophical worldviews, and understanding the use of theory. Discussion of the methods and procedures for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies.
AESHM 579X. Data Analytics for Apparel, Event, and Hospitality Management. (3-0) Cr. 3. SS. Prereq: STAT 587 or equivalent (AESHM 510, HD FS 503). Business analytics is a process of transforming data into meaningful insights and actionable results in the context of decision making and problem solving. Review of the data-related challenges apparel, event, and hospitality organizations confront and the importance of data analytics in making critical management decisions. Basic analytic techniques including data management, analysis, interpretation, and visualization and analyze case studies that successfully deployed these techniques.
AF AM 469X. History of Racial Violence in Europe and the United States, 1865-1945. (Cross-listed with HIST 469X). (3-0). Cr. 3. Irr. S. History of racial and genocidal violence comparing the experiences of Black, Latino/a/x, Native, and Asian peoples in the United States with Jewish people, the Romani, and people of African descent in Europe. The class focuses on the forms of individual and state-sponsored violence, culminating in the Holocaust. Field trip to Washington, D.C.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
AFAS 483X. Situational Leadership Laboratory with Physical Training . (0-2) Cr. 2. Repeatable. F.S. Prereq: AFAS 403. Situational leadership laboratory is for extended cadets that have completed the AFROTC curriculum but have not finished their degree. This provides an opportunity to continue growing as a leader in supervisory and mentorship positions while assisting the cadre with planning and controlling of all upper-level AFROTC military activities. Extended cadets will have the opportunity to work directly with cadre on special projects and duties that further prepare them for life as an active duty officer. Full participation in all events will be determined based on student's physical and medical eligibility. Satisfactory-Fail only.
AGEDS 323X. Strategic Communication in Agriculture and the Environment. (Cross-listed with P R 323X). Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: ENGL 250; junior classification. Effective communication of agricultural and environmental issues. Analysis of attitudes, advocacy, stakeholder engagement, and impacts on individual and societal choices. Application in the domains of public relations, mass media, and popular culture.
AGEDS 425X. Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education. (Dual-listed with AGEDS 525X). Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. SS. Inquiry-based techniques for education related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in agriculture in secondary classrooms. Analyze, demonstrate, and design activities, labs, and projects using inquiry-based frameworks for teaching and learning.
AGEDS 525X. Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education. (Dual-listed with AGEDS 425X). Cr. 1-6. Repeatable. SS. Inquiry-based techniques for education related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in agriculture in secondary classrooms. Analyze, demonstrate, and design activities, labs, and projects using inquiry-based frameworks for teaching and learning.
AGEDS 568X. Qualitative Interviews and Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate status. Understanding the role of interviews in agricultural education research, basis for theory of meaning, and variations of interview technique among qualitative traditions. Development of facilitation technique for individual interviews; and focus groups. Transcription and basic qualitative analysis. Use of interview findings to prepare manuscripts.
AGEDS 580X. A Survey of Leadership Theories. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Examine postulates, applications and limitations of various leadership theories such as Transformational Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Adaptive Leadership. Valuable to individuals interested in pursuing leadership opportunities in academia and business; and specifically Agricultural Education, Communication and Extension Education.
AGRON 240X. Hemp: Potential and Constraints for a New Crop. (Cross-listed with ENT 240X). (2-0). Cr. 2. History, biology, and agronomy of hemp as it is allowed to be grown in Iowa.
AGRON 425X. Crop and Soil Modeling. (Dual-listed with 525). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: MATH 165 or equivalent; AGRON 316 or AGRON 354 or equivalent. Understanding basic crop physiology and soil processes through the use of mathematical and statistical approaches. Structure of crop models, dynamics and relationship among components such as leaf-level photosynthesis, canopy architecture, root dynamics and soil carbon and nitrogen pools.
AGRON 537X. Quantitative Analytics for Plant Breeding. (3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: AGRON 181, MATH 140. Methods to quantify consequences of decisions based on analytical methods used in crop genetic improvement and cultivar development.
AGRON 693X. Entrepreneurship for Graduate Students in Science and Engineering. (Cross-listed with BCB 693X, E E 693X, ENGR 693X, GENET 693X, and M E 693X). (1-0) Cr. 1. Repeatable. F.S. Prereq: Graduate student status and completion of at least one semester of graduate coursework. Understanding key topics of starting a technology based company, from development of technology-led idea to early-stage entrepreneurial business. Concepts discussed include: entrepreneurship basics, starting a business, funding your business, protecting your technology/business IP.Subject matter experts and successful, technology-based entrepreneurs will provide real world examples from their experience with entrepreneurship. Learn about the world class entrepreneurship ecosystem at ISU and Central Iowa. Satisfactory-fail only.
AM IN 327X. Native American Agriculture. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: AM IN 210. Indigenous agriculture in North America. Topics include pre-contact agriculture in North America, cultural perspectives on agriculture, the changes caused by contact with Europeans, and the state of contemporary Native agriculture in a global market. Themes may include Native solutions to challenges of hunger and inadequate nutrition, food sovereignty, seed saving, and food deserts.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
AN S 219X. Survey of Animal Nutrition . (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: BIOL 101, BIOL 212 or equivalent and CHEM 163, 167, 177 or 201 . Nutrients, simple digestion and absorption, feed management strategies, nutrient requirements, ration formulation for livestock and companion animals.
AN S 316X. Equine Reproduction Lab. Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in AN S 331, AN S 116 or instructor permission. Reproductive anatomy with emphasis on the physiology of normal reproductive function; breeding season management; ways to control and improve reproduction; semen collection, evaluation, and processing; artificial insemination; pregnancy testing; parturition in the mare, foal care. Participation outside of class time is expected.
AN S 351X. Principles of Domestic Animal Genetics. (Cross-listed with GEN 351X). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: BIOL 211, BIOL 212, and STAT 101 or 104. Foundation of genetics, genomics, and statistical concepts in domestic animal populations.
ANTHR 310X. Environmental Anthropology. (3-0). Cr. 3. Prereq: ANTHR 201. Exploration of contemporary theories and methods in environmental anthropology with a focus on anthropological approaches to the global climate crisis.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
ANTHR 335X. Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereqs: ANTHR 201 or ANTHR 306 recommended. Anthropological approaches to the study of Middle East cultures. Survey of major culture areas, discussion of economic, political, and social and religious issues and systems. Examination of contemporary social movements.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
ANTHR 599X. Creative Component. Cr.1-5. Repeatable. F.S.SS. Prereqs: Graduate classification, permission of major professor. Individually directed study applying anthropological methods and theory to a practical research problem; for students electing the nonthesis degree option.
ARCH 518X. Balkans to Baltics: Modern Architecture in Europe's Middle. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate or Senior classification. History and theory of modern architecture in Eastern Europe from the late 19th century through the end of the 20th century. Analytic term paper and weekly readings with in-class discussions. Credits count toward fulfillment of History Theory Culture requirement
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
ARCH 536X. Advanced Design Media. (Dual-listed with AGEDS 436). Cr. 3. Repeatable. Prereq: Graduate Classification and ARCH 601 or equivalent skills. Special topics in design media applications.
ARTGR 383X . A Concise History of Graphics and Sports. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. This introduction to basic concepts of branding in design explores the processes of sports, graphics of sports, design criteria of sport objects, consumer trends, and social importance of sports will be discussed. This course takes a historical perspective of sport graphics and objects starting at the first known understanding of what could be considered “Sport,” from ancient times to the present. Interpretation of sport graphics and sport objects. Measuring the sports impact and associated graphics with emotions; sounds that date the sport or strengthen our memories of them, photographs of objects and people from different periods, images of industrial, sport, agrarian and city landscapes to remind us of the dominant role played by sport/graphics or that sport object in the country of its origin.
ARTGR 483X. Science + Design: Interpretation of Natural Resources in Montana. (Cross-listed with NREM 483X). (1-4) Cr.3. F. Prereq: ARTGR 271 or BIOL 211 or graduate classification, and permission of instructor. Interdisciplinary service-learning. Design and production of natural resource related interpretive signs for Montana natural areas. Field-work experience followed by on-campus studio.
ARTGR 489X. Design Ethics. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Junior/Senior classification. Historical and contemporary issues in ethics and decision-making related to visual arts, related visual communication, and design disciplines, including education/training, professional practice and research, the social role of design, and the implications and consequences of designed artifacts and systems.
ARTGR 583X. Science + Design: Interpretation of Natural Resources in Montana. (Cross-listed with NREM 583X). (1-4) Cr.3. F. Prereq: ARTGR 271 or BIOL 211 or graduate classification, and permission of instructor. Interdisciplinary service-learning. Design and production of natural resource related interpretive signs for Montana natural areas. Field-work experience followed by on-campus studio.
ARTIS 170X. Exploring the Visual Arts. (3-0) Cr.3. Visual arts and how it relates to individuals, their community, and the importance in a cultural and global context. Understand vocabulary of the visual arts, and develop strategies for observation and critical thinking through assignments including reflective writing and observational analysis on various works of art. Engage with various visual art topics and disciplines such as: defining what art is, learning about types of art and its use and meaning of materials, how art plays a role in the expression of humanity, and how personal awareness and perspective can benefit from the engagement of art.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.