A B E 102X. Learning Communities. (0-1) Cr. 0.5. F. Eight week learning communities course focusing on student success, engineering, and department curriculum. Building community within the ABE Department.
A ECL 231X. Principles of Wildlife & Fisheries Management. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: BIOL 211, BIOL 212, NREM 120. Introduction to the principles of wildlife and fisheries management. Case studies will be explored along with assessment methods used to understand management including conservation of populations, species and communities, as well as habitat preservation and restoration.
A M D 458X. Queer Fashions, Styles, and Bodies. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with A M D 558X). Prereq: AMD 165; or 3 credits in Women's and Gender Studies or Sociology; or consent of instructor . Analysis and interpretation of the dressed and undressed body of individuals in the queer community in various cultural contexts. Concepts related to gender and sexuality and the changing/on-going definitions and representations of individuals who identify in the queer community with a focus on appearance, fashion, and the body. Historic and current representations of fashion, styles, and appearances. Attention will be paid to how sexuality and gender intersect with and/or shape other identities including race, ethnicity, ability, body size, class, and/or nation. Examination of the complex structures, systems, and ideologies that uphold discrimination and unequal distribution of power and resources. Emphasis on North American perspectives.
A M D 558X. Queer Fashions, Styles, and Bodies. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with A M D 448X). Prereq: AMD 165; or 3 credits in Women's and Gender Studies or Sociology; or consent of instructor . Analysis and interpretation of the dressed and undressed body of individuals in the queer community in various cultural contexts. Concepts related to gender and sexuality and the changing/on-going definitions and representations of individuals who identify in the queer community with a focus on appearance, fashion, and the body. Historic and current representations of fashion, styles, and appearances. Attention will be paid to how sexuality and gender intersect with and/or shape other identities including race, ethnicity, ability, body size, class, and/or nation. Examination of the complex structures, systems, and ideologies that uphold discrimination and unequal distribution of power and resources. Emphasis on North American perspectives.
ACCT 315X. Business Data Streams and Issues. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with MIS 315X). Prereq: COM S 113. Identification of open data sources and other private data sources. Develop methods of data access, collection, and sharing; develop methods to validate and standardize data sources; develop methods to assess data worthiness (risk).
ACCT 551X. Advanced Performance Analysis & Forecasting: Applying the Balanced. Cr. 3 S. Prereq: ACCT 501 or equivalent. Design of performance incentives in management control systems intended to align employees' effort and activities with company goals. Conceptual underpinnings of the balanced scorecard framework for incentive design. Application of analytical tools to actual firm-level financial and operating data in an effort to identify leading and lagging performance indicators, competitive advantages and their sustainability, and their inter-temporal economic impacts.
AER E 294X. Make to Innovate I. (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereqs: Restricted to Freshman and Sophomore classifications; Instructor permission required. Multidisciplinary projects to engage students in the fundamentals of engineering, project management, systems engineering, teamwork, and oral and visual communication. Students will define and attain their team objectives and milestones that are approved by the instructor. Graduation Restrictions: Will not count toward graduation.
AER E 407X. Applied Formal Methods. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with AER E 507X). (Cross-listed with COM S 407X/507X). Prereq: MATH 166 and instructor permission. Introduction to the fundamentals of formal methods, a set of mathematically rigorous techniques for the formal specification, validation, and verification of safety-critical systems. Tools, techniques, and applications of formal methods with an emphasis on real-world use-cases such as enabling autonomous operation. Students will build experience in writing mathematically analyzable specifications from English operational concepts for real systems, such as aircraft and spacecraft. Review capabilities and limitations of formal methods in the design, verification, and system health management of today's complex systems.
AER E 426X. Design of Aerospace Structures. (1-6) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with AER E 526X). Prereq: EM 324. Detailed design and analysis of aerospace vehicle structures. Material selection, strength, durability and damage tolerance, and validation analysis. Design for manufacturability.
AER E 429X. Penetrating Radiation Methods in Nondestructive Evaluation. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: PHYS 222. Spectrum of electromagnetic waves, wave/particle dualism, generation and detection of electromagnetic radiation, reflection/ penetration/ absorption/ scattering of electromagnetic radiation, application of penetrating radiation (x- and gamma rays), imaging, computed tomography, diffraction, small angle scattering, materials characterization.
AER E 452X. Introduction To Systems Engineering And Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. S.S. (Cross-listed with I E 452X). Prereq: Junior Classification in an Engineering Major. Principles of systems engineering to include problem statement formulation, stakeholder analysis, requirements definition, system architecture and concept generation, system integration and interface management, verification and validation, and system commissioning and decommissioning operations. Introduction to discrete event simulation processes. Students will work in groups to propose, research, and present findings for a systems engineering topic of current relevance.
AER E 471X. Pilot Performance and Aviation Safety. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Cross- listed with I E 471X). Prereqs: Junior or Senior Status. Measuring, modeling, and optimizing human visual performance; display design for optimal legibility, research in visibility, legibility, conspicuity, and camouflage; visibility model development.
AER E 482X. Introduction to Metrology and Testing. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: MATH 265 or 266 or 267. Fundamentals of metrology and testing, system of units, history of metrology, principles and organization of metrology, planning of experiments, data analysis, measurement uncertainties, statistic error analysis, confidence interval, measurement of:“length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of substance, luminous intensity, pressure”, transducers, cameras, sensor systems, analog and digital signal processing, image processing, measurement of materials properties (mechanical, terminal, electric, magnetic, optic), testing of materials performance (corrosion, friction, wear, etc.)
AER E 494X. Make to Innovate II. Cr. 2-3. F. Prereqs: Restricted to Junior or Senior classifications; Instructor permission required. Multidisciplinary projects to engage students in the fundamentals of engineering, project management, systems engineering, teamwork, and oral and visual communication. Students will define and attain their team objectives and milestones that are approved by their instructors. Graduation restrictions: Maximum of 6 credits may count toward graduation as Technical Elective.
AER E 504X. Intelligent Air Transportation Systems. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: AER E 161 (or equivalent). Instructor permission required. An overview of intelligent air transportation system design and operations, ranging from air traffic control to UAS collision avoidance. The course is divided into two general themes: ground-based air traffic control and onboard flight operations; and principled mathematical framework and key algorithms for decision making. This course will prepare students for positions in the civil aviation industry and graduate research in air transportation system topics.
AER E 507X. Applied Formal Methods. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with AER E 407X). (Cross-listed with COM S 407X/507X). Prereq: MATH 166 and instructor permission. Introduction to the fundamentals of formal methods, a set of mathematically rigorous techniques for the formal specification, validation, and verification of safety-critical systems. Tools, techniques, and applications of formal methods with an emphasis on real-world use-cases such as enabling autonomous operation. Students will build experience in writing mathematically analyzable specifications from English operational concepts for real systems, such as aircraft and spacecraft. Review capabilities and limitations of formal methods in the design, verification, and system health management of today's complex systems.
AER E 515X. Atomistic and Multiscale Mechanics of Materials. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: E M 510; E M 516; AER E 525. Introduction to atomistic and multiscale computational methodology for the graduate-level study of mechanics of materials. At the end of this course, students will have an awareness and understanding of the application of atomistic and multiscale materials modeling techniques to fracture, plasticity, phase transformation, corrosion, thermal and mass transport in a variety of engineering materials.
AER E 526X. Design of Aerospace Structures. (1-6) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with AER E 426X). Prereq: EM 324. Detailed design and analysis of aerospace vehicle structures. Material selection, strength, durability and damage tolerance, and validation analysis. Design for manufacturability.
AER E 554X. Metaheuristic Optimization and Modeling for Complex System Design. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate standing in College of Engineering or permission of instructor. Introduction to the theoretical foundation and methods associated with meta-modeling and metaheuristic optimization, including categories of meta-modeling methods and applications in which each class of meta-modeling methods should and could be used, as well as metaheuristic optimization methods and the types of applications for which each is best suited.
AESHM 213X. Transitions: Pre-Professional Strategies and Career Explorations. (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereqs: Transfer Student or Change of Major in AMD, EVENT, or HSP M majors. Fast track pre-professional development strategies, career exploration, and multi-dimensional academic and extracurricular planning for students in transition including transfer and change of majors.
AESHM 512X. Qualitative Research Methods in Apparel, Events, and Hospitality. Cr. 3. SS. Prereq: Graduate Status. Introduction to and hands-on experiences with a variety of
qualitative research methods specific to apparel, events and hospitality research. Students will develop skills at research design, data, collection, analysis, and write-up for qualitative inquiry.
AF AM 310X. Africa to 1880. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with HIST 310X). Survey of the history of African societies, cultures and civilizations from earliest times to 1880. Evolution of states across the continent; social, economic, political, and cultural developments; nature and consequences of African interactions and relationship with Europeans.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
AF AM 327X. Strategies of Resistance: From Slavery to Hip-Hop & Black Lives Matter. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Sophomore classification. Analysis of strategies of resistance and protest against inequality within African American communities; emphasis on the historical, socio-political and economic contexts in which resistance emerges; includes examination of contemporary forms of protests.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
AGEDS 323X. Strategic Communication in Agriculture and the Environment. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. S. (Cross-listed with P R 323X). Prereqs: ENGL 250; Junior classification. Effective communication of agricultural and environmental issues. Analysis of attitudes, advocacy, stakeholder engagement, and impacts on individual and societal choices. Application in the domains of public relations, mass media, and popular culture.
AGEDS 517X. Student Teacher Education Practicum. Cr. 2-6. F. Prereqs: AGEDS 590B, AGEDS 501, AGEDS 502. Admission to the University Teacher Education program. Supervised 5th-12th grade public and private schools teaching practicum for graduate students in Masters degree teacher certification program.
AGEDS 568X. Qualitative Interviews and Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate status. Understanding the role of interviews in agricultural education research, basis for theory of meaning, and variations of interview technique among qualitative traditions. Development of facilitation technique for individual interviews; and focus groups. Transcription and basic qualitative analysis. Use of interview findings to prepare manuscripts.
AGRON 665X. Digital Soil Mapping. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. In depth readings and discussion of methods applied to produce soil maps using digital geospatial data and geographic information systems. Issues considered will include complications of scale, connecting statistically identified patterns with soil formation processes, and how to best deliver soil information to diverse audiences.
AM IN 225X. American Indians of Iowa . (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with ANTHR 225X). Cultures and histories of Native people who have called the present state of Iowa home; primary focus on the period between 1700 CE and the present; Native interactions with Spanish, French, British, and American people.
AM IN 324X. Health and Native American Communities. (3-0) Cr. 3. (Cross-listed with ANTHR 324X). Prereq: ENGL 250. Overview of historic and contemporary health and health care in Native Communities. Indian Health Service and specific regulations. Consideration of both cultural and scientific approaches to medicine. Specific health issues (e.g., diabetes, alcoholism, depression, etc.) in American Indian communities.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
AN S 228X. Laboratory Animal Science. (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: AN S 101, ANS 114; recommended: ANS 214. Introduction to the species, uses, biology, facilities, care, and diseases of animals used in research.
AN S 427X. Beef Cow-Calf Systems Management. (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: AN S 226, AN S 270, AN S 320, AN S 331, AN S 352; and ECON 230 or equivalent. Decisions facing the administrator of a beef cow-calf enterprise. Financial and production goal identification, problem clarification, and resource allocation to manage the cow-calf enterprise. Computer-aided study. Only one of AN S 427X or AN S 426 may count toward the AN S 400 level enterprise management requirement.
AN S 482X. Advanced Swine Science. (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereq: AN S 225 or AN S 280. An in-depth application of basic concepts covered in Basic Swine Science, focused on the scientific principles to the economical and sustainable production of pork. Detailed analysis of benchmarking, production systems, reproduction, pig flow, ventilation and herd health are discussed. Students will become knowledgeable regarding the science, complexity, and technology applied in modern swine production businesses. Graduation Restrictions: Elective credit only for majors in animal science or dairy science.
AN S 517X. Gut Microbiome: Implications for Health and Diseases. (3-0) Cr.3. F. (Cross-listed with FS HN 517X, MICRO 517X, and V MPM 517X). Prereq: Basic Knowledge in microbiology. Explore current research on gut microbiome including modern tools used to study the gut microbiome. Examine the linkages between gut microbiome and health status, diseases, and manipulation of gut microbiome to improve health.
AN S 563X. Advanced Processed Meats Technology . (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: An S 270 or equivalent, or at least two undergraduate courses in biology, food science, microbiology or culinology. Physical, chemical and biological properties of meat important to processed meat product characteristics. Ingredients, technology and equipment used for fresh and cured meat products. Packaging, preservation and food safety issues critical to processed meat products are emphasized.
ANTHR 225X. American Indians of Iowa. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with AM IN 225X). Cultures and histories of Native people who have called the present state of Iowa home; primary focus on the period between 1700 CE and the present; Native interactions with Spanish, French, British, and American people.
ANTHR 324X. Health and Native American Communities. (3-0) Cr. 3. (Cross-listed with AM IN 324X). Prereq: ENGL 250. Overview of historic and contemporary health and health care in Native Communities. Indian Health Service and specific regulations. Consideration of both cultural and scientific approaches to medicine. Specific health issues (e.g., diabetes, alcoholism, depression, etc.) in American Indian communities.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
ARABC 375X. Arabic Culture. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Survey of contemporary Arabic culture in the Middle East and North Africa as reflected in history, language, the arts, and social institutions with attention to the Arab Diaspora. Taught in English.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
ARCH 330X. Advanced Design Representation. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ARCH 230; Junior, Senior or graduate standing. Advanced investigations of various design media and their applications to design. Emphasis on careful consideration of media, mixed-media strategies and development of craft.
ARCH 531X. Drawing Culture. (3-1) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Junior classification. Exploration of theories and practices that center on drawing as a fundamental means of knowing. Development of critical thinking and communication skills with respect to the history and theory of drawing in architecture and critical insight into drawing methodology. Culture of drawing and the drawing of culture simultaneously in architecture as a discursive venue. Students will produce a drawing as part of the class.
AER E 544X. Viscous Flow. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: A ER E 311 or ME 335. KI nematics and dynamics of compressible viscous fluid flow in aerodynamics. Derivation of the Navier-Stokes and compressible Prandtl boundary layer equations. Asymptotic analysis and solution methods for low/high Reynolds number compressible boundary layer flows.
ARTGR 383X . A Concise History of Graphics and Sports. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. This introduction to basic concepts of branding in design explores the processes of sports, graphics of sports, design criteria of sport objects, consumer trends, and social importance of sports will be discussed. This course takes a historical perspective of sport graphics and objects starting at the first known understanding of what could be considered “Sport,” from ancient times to the present. Interpretation of sport graphics and sport objects. Measuring the sports impact and associated graphics with emotions; sounds that date the sport or strengthen our memories of them, photographs of objects and people from different periods, images of industrial, sport, agrarian and city landscapes to remind us of the dominant role played by sport/graphics or that sport object in the country of its origin.
ARTGR 461X. Outreach Studio. 3 Cr. F. (Cross-listed with ARTIS 461X). Prereq: Permission of Instructor. An interdisciplinary studio course where artists and designers apply their skills to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems, in collaboration with Professional and Community partners.
ARTGR 497X. Graphic Design Field Study. Cr. 1. S. Prereq: Acceptance to the undergraduate or graduate programs in graphic design. Introduction to places related to graphic design in urban environments such as museums and design studios. Culture and context of design in the urban environment.
ARTGR 510X. Graphic Design Theory. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: graduate enrollment in College of Design or permission of instructor. Graphic design as a tool to represent and create imageability in the mind of the audience, through relevant readings in graphic design theory and principles of visual organization in various media.
ARTGR 511X. Graduate Graphic Design Studio I. (0-6) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: graduate enrollment in the Graphic Design Graduate Program, or instructor permission. Introduction to a range of research topics, methods and ideas that are predicated on learning through the process of creation.
ARTGR 512X. Audience and Perception. (0-6) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate enrollment in Graphic Design or permission of instructor. Theory and investigation of systems, structures, principles of visual organization for communication through the experimental application of traditional and non-traditional media. Studio problems will be influenced by social, cultural, environmental, or technological factors.
ARTGR 520X. Design & Cultural Semiotics. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Introduction to semiotics as it relates to art, design and culture. Historical and contemporary vantage points and the importance of designers as makers of meaning. Key concepts of semiotics and the interrelationship between message, meaning, design and culture.
ARTGR 521X. Graphic Design Graduate Studio II. Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: Graduate enrollment in the Graphic Design Graduate Program. In this advanced graduate graphic design studio led by a variety of faculty, students will be introduced to a range of research topics, methods and ideas that are predicated on learning through the process of creation.
ARTGR 522X. Critical Media. (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate enrollment in the Graphic Design Graduate Program. Advanced theory and investigation of critical media and application of principles of visual organization for communication. Through hypothetical design work with critical media tools, studio problems will examine and be informed by social, cultural, environmental, or technological factors.
ARTGR 531X. Graphic Design Thesis Preparation. (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: Acceptance to Graphic Design Graduate Program. Exploration, formulation and structuring of graduate thesis topic, investigation of design research and creative scholarship.
ARTIS 431X. Character and Scene Design. Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 531X). Prereqs: 531X: Graduate classification and instructor permission upon portfolio review, 431X: For ISA majors: DSNS 131, ARTIS 230, ARTIS 330; For Non-ISA majors: DSNS 131 and permission of instructor upon portfolio review. Drawing directed toward designing characters and environments to be used for telling stories in a variety of contexts. Emphasis on ideation, research, concept art and other process work over finished art.
ARTIS 461X. Outreach Studio. Cr. 3. F. (Cross-listed with ARTGR 461X). Prereq: Permission of Instructor. An interdisciplinary studio course where artists and designers apply their skills to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems, in collaboration with Professional and Community partners.
ARTIS 462X. Community-Engaged Arts Management. (1.5-3) Cr. 3. F. Introduction to aspects of community arts management and art gallery operations. Class meets at ISU Design on Main Gallery, a community arts space in the Main Street Cultural District of Ames. Students will staff the gallery and assist in the conception, design and realization of exhibitions.
ARTIS 475X. Interactive Art. (0-6) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 575X). Prereqs: ARTIS 212 or permission of instructor; graduate credit: graduate level standing. Create software and integrate the sensors required to create interactive artworks, videos, games, and installations. Prominent examples in the history of interactive art provides context for the coursework.
ARTIS 531X. Character and Scene Design. (0-6) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 431X). Prereqs: 531X: Graduate classification and instructor permission upon portfolio review, 431X: For ISA majors: DSNS 131, ARTIS 230, ARTIS 330; For Non-ISA majors: DSNS 131 and permission of instructor upon portfolio review. Drawing directed toward designing characters and environments to be used for telling stories in a variety of contexts. Emphasis on ideation, research, concept art and other process work over finished art.
ARTIS 575X. Interactive Art. (0-6) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 475X). Prereqs: ARTIS 212 or permission of instructor; graduate credit: graduate level standing. Create software and integrate the sensors required to create interactive artworks, videos, games, and installations. Prominent examples in the history of interactive art provides context for the coursework.
ASL 325X. Deaf Peoples: Pre-World War II. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: ASL 206 or instructor's permission. Perspectives on and treatment of deaf people as individuals and groups prior to World War II. Taught in American Sign Language.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
ASL 350X. Comparative Linguistics of American Sign Language. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with LING 350X). Prereq: ASL 206. Scientific and stylistic language analysis. Phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, and social-cultural pragmatics of American Sign Language. Comparative prescriptive and descriptive views on ASL and English form and function.