A B E 423X. Energy and the Environment. (3-0) Cr. 3. SS. Prereqs: MATH 160 or higher, PHYS 221; A E 216 or M E 231. Overview of energy engineering principles, energy use, and environmental impacts. Fossil fuel energy resources and conversion. Nuclear energy principles, reactors, fuel cycle. Renewable energy systems: solar, wind, water, and biomass conversions. Air, water and land pollution. Energy, global warming, and climate change.
A B E 546X. Introduction Into Bioplastics & Biocomposites. (2-2) Cr.3. S. (Cross-listed with BRT 546X, TSM 546X, M S E 546X). Prereqs: CHEM 163 and MATH 151, or permission of instructor. A study of bio-polymers and related processes used in manufacturing. Lecture and laboratory activities focus on materials, properties, processes, policies and current state of the art of bioplastics.
A ECL 333X. Fisheries Technology (1-3) Cr. 2. F. Prereq: BIOL 212. Introduction to techniques used in the collection and interpretation of fish population data in the field and in the lab. Course objectives include an understanding of population survey methodology and improving student critical thinking and teamwork skills. Laboratory focuses on field trips and hands-on sampling experience. Special course fees.
A M D 329X. Digital Textile Printing for Apparel Design. (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: A M D 321 and A M D 325. Overview of the use of digital printing in the textile and apparel industry, color matching, repeat print patterns, engineered prints, and creation of apparel prototypes.
A M D 525X. Experimental Patternmaking. (2-4) Cr. 3. Alt S. Prereq: AMD 221 or equivalent, AMD 225 or equivalent, AMD 510 or taking concurrently, permission of instructor. Research, analyze, and apply experimental patternmaking techniques to original garments suitable for entry into a juried competition/exhibitions. Compare, contrast, and organize a framework of research patternmaking principles through content analysis or other appropriate research techniques. Documentation of learning and design process.
ACCT 589X. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: ACCT 501. Examines the theory and practice of social and environmental reporting, the role of the corporation in society, and the mechanisms by which society might hold corporations accountable for their actions.
AER E 433X. Spacecraft Dynamics and Control. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: EM 345 (Dynamics) Introduction to modern spacecraft attitude dynamics and control. Rotational kinematics and 3-dimensional rigid-body dynamics. Stability of spinning spacecraft. Spacecraft attitude stabilization and rotational maneuvers. Spacecraft attitude determination and control subsystems (ADCS). Spacecraft actuators, sensors, and external disturbances.
AER E 463X. Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with AER E 563X). Prereq: senior standing in College of Engineering. Introduction to the theory and methods of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), including system coupling, system sensitivity methods, decomposition methods, MDO formulations (such as multiple-discipline feasible (MDF), individual discipline feasible (IDF) and all-at-once (AAO) approaches, and MDO search methods.
AER E 468X. Large-Scale Complex Engineered Systems (LSCES). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with AER E 568X) (Cross-listed with IE 468X). Prereqs: senior standing in College of Engineering or permission of AER E 468X instructor. Introduction to the theorectical foundation and methods associated with the design for large-scale complex engineered systems, including objective function formation, design reliability, value-driven design, product robustness, utility theory, economic factors for the formation of a value function and complexity science as a means of detecting unintended consequences in the product behavior.
AER E 501X. Advanced Engineering Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients; hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic equations; tensors.
AER E 554X. Metaheuristic Optimization and Modeling for Complex System Design. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate standing in College of Engineering or permission of instructor. Introduction to the theoretical foundation and methods associated with meta-modeling and metaheuristic optimization, including categories of meta-modeling methods and applications in which each class of meta-modeling methods should and could be used, as well as metaheuristic optimization methods and the types of applications for which each is best suited.
AER E 563X. Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with AER E 463X). Prereq: senior standing in College of Engineering. Introduction to the theory and methods of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), including system coupling, system sensitivity methods, decomposition methods, MDO formulations (such as multiple-discipline feasible (MDF), individual discipline feasible (IDF) and all-at-once (AAO) approaches, and MDO search methods.
AER E 567X. Nanomechanics of Materials. (2-1) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with E M 567X, M S E 567X). Prereq: E M 566 or permission of instructor. Continuum approaches to material deformation and nanostructure evolution. Thermodynamics and kinetics. Nucleation and growth. Large strain formulation. Surface and interface tension and phenomena. Chemical reactions, phase transformations, and dislocations.
AER E 568X. Large-Scale Complex Engineered Systems (LSCES). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with AER E 468X) (Cross-listed with IE 568X). Prereq: senior standing in College of Engineering or permission of AER E 568X instructor. Introduction to the theorectical foundation and methods associated with the design for large-scale complex engineered systems, including objective function formation, design reliability, value-driven design, product robustness, utility theory, economic factors for the formation of a value function and complexity science as a means of detecting unintended consequences in the product behavior.
AESHM 180E. Freshman Field Study: Event and Hospitality Management. (.5-1) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: Enrollment in AESHM Learning Community (Directions) - Member or Peer Mentor; Permission of Instructor. Study of and tours of regional areas of interest to majors in Event and Hospitality Management. Trip to regional location under supervision of faculty member. Locations vary, 2-3 day trip. Journal entries and final report/analysis are required.
AESHM 180N. Freshman Field Study: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design. (.5-1) Cr. 1. F. Prereqs: Enrollment in AESHM Learning Community (Common Threads) - Member or Peer Mentor; Permission of Instructor. Study of and tours of regional areas of interest to apparel majors in the AESHM Department. Trip to regional location under supervision of faculty member. Locations vary, 2-3 day trip. Journal entries and final report/analysis are required.
AF AM 311X. Africa Under Colonial Rule. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with HIST 311X) Prereqs: 30 credits at Iowa State. Development of Africa from imposition of colonial rule to independence, including processes of European domination, African reaction and resistance, emergence of nationalism, and dismantling of colonialism.
AGRON 106X. Global Agriculture in a Changing World. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Understanding climate and its effects on global distribution of food and water resources. The nature of climate and its variability in space and time. Use of satellites and related technology to monitor agricultural production, water availability and climate. Influence of climate and climate change on drought famine and other disruptions of essential resources.
AGRON 528X. Quantitative Genetics for Plant Breeding. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: AGRON 506 or AGRON 513. An introduction to the application of quantitative genetics to plant breeding programs.
AN S 260X. Introduction to Controversies in Science and Society. (Same as NREM 260X, FS HN 260X.) (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Introduction to evaluating controversial and multifaceted issues in natural resource management, animal science, and food science. Critically examine stakeholders’ beliefs, values, and ethics, while determining the credibility of information sources. Case studies and team-based activities.
AN S 310X. Advanced Career Preparation in Animal Science. (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereqs: AN S 210. 8-week course. Awareness and development of soft skills and critical thinking skills. Assist students in specific career paths and goals pertaining to the field of veterinary medicine, graduate education, or employment after graduation. Only one credit of AN S 310A, 310B, 310C may be applied toward graduation. Offered Satisfactory-Fail only.
A. Veterinary Medicine
B. Graduate School
C. Industry
AN S 569X. Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Cr. 2. F. (Same as TOX 569X.) Prereqs: BBMD 301, Biology 258 or An S 331. Chemical agents that target developmental and reproductive systems in animals and humans, both male and female. The influence that timeline of developmental in utero and what part of reproductive organ have on outcome of environmental exposures will be developed. The physiological changes due to exposure, and mechanistic pathways activated by xenobiotics will be defined and the consequences of these changes will be explored.
ARCH 458X. Atmospheres and Affects. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate or Junior or Senior classification. Contemporary approach to architectural atmospheres. Students will be challenged to think critically and independently about feeling or mood in architecture as described by key thinkers in this field; to comprehend the relationship between architecture and affect; and to understand how social, technical and environmental dialogues impact on architectural design.
ARCH 517X. Big and Tall: Construction History from the Pyramids to the Burj. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Junior or Graduate level standing. History of human construction over the last 4500 years. Focus on materials and techniques to understand histories of economics, industry, and labor and to related disciplines such as structural and civil engineering. Production methods, economics and design relationships.
ARTGR 463X. 3D Motion Graphics. Cr. 3. SS. (Dual-listed with ARTGR 563X). Prereqs: Concurrent enrollment in ARTGR 370, ARTGR 371, or ARTGR 470. 3D visualization in a Motion Graphics context. Emphasis on design in 3D computer animation as it relates to various electronic media.
ARTGR 464X. Digital Imaging. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with ARTGR 564X). Prereqs: Concurrent enrollment in ARTGR 370, ARTGR 371 or ARTGR 470. This studio course will cover experimental techniques using the digital drawing tablet combined with manual drawing mediums, exploring the digital tablet, scanner, and camera as ways to collect and make images, conceptual and compositional development of digital techniques and software, and connecting digital techniques to visual processes and ideation. Students will have a better understanding of different ways of working digitally while exploring image-making processes.
ARTGR 563X. 3D Motion Graphics. Cr. 3. SS. (Dual-listed with ARTGR 463X). Prereqs: Concurrent enrollment in ARTGR 370, ARTGR 371, or ARTGR 470. 3D visualization in a Motion Graphics context. Emphasis on design in 3D computer animation as it relates to various electronic media.
ARTGR 564X. Digital Imaging. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Dual-listed with ARTGR 464X). Prereqs? Concurrent enrollment in ARTGR 370, ARTGR 371 or ARTGR 470. This studio course will cover experimental techniques using the digital drawing tablet combined with manual drawing mediums, exploring the digital tablet, scanner, and camera as ways to collect and make images, conceptual and compositional development of digital techniques and software, and connecting digital techniques to visual processes and ideation. Students will have a better understanding of different ways of working digitally while exploring image-making processes.
ART H 499X. Visual Culture Studies Senior Capstone Seminar. (4-0) Cr. 4. F. Prereqs: Admission to the B.A. in Art and Design--Visual Culture Studies Concentration and senior standing; or permission of instructor. Reading of major texts in the field of visual culture studies, writing exercises, and guided instruction in the process of conducting research and reporting results of the research process. Written paper expected at end of the course.
ARTIS 375X. Introduction to Interactive Art. (0-6) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or permission of instructor. Introduction to the tools required to create interactive artworks and kinetic sculptures. Students will learn how to build simple mechanical artworks and control those artworks with custom fabricated electronics. Students will use CNC routers, laser cutters and other computer assisted equipment to create their projects.
ARTIS 432X. Sequential Narrative Drawing. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 532X) (0-6) Cr.3. S. Prereqs: ARTIS 330 or permission of instructor after portfolio review for undergraduate students; graduate classification and permission of instructor after portfolio review for graduate students. A studio course in drawing focusing on the fundamentals of communicating a narrative through sequential images. Applications include concept art for graphic novels, children’s books, comic strips, video games, storyboarding for live action and animated films including instructional and marketing applications, plus character and scene development.
ARTIS 473X. Video art. (0-6) Cr. 3. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 573X). Prereq: ARTIS 212 or Permission of Instructor. Usage of professional video editing software and application of best practices for video production and post-production to realize original artworks. Creation of narrative and non-narrative videos and site specific video installations. prominent examples in the history of video art provide context for the coursework. Non-repeatable for graduate students.
ARTIS 491X. Post Baccalaureate Capstone Course. 1Cr. Arr. F. Prereq: Enrollment in Post Baccalaureate Program. Exhibition of artwork completed in the Post Baccalaureate program, required for fulfillment of certificate.
ARTIS 532X. Sequential Narrative Drawing. (Dual-listed with ARTIS 432X) (0-6) Cr.3. S. Prereqs: ARTIS 330 or permission of instructor after portfolio review for undergraduate students; graduate classification and permission of instructor after portfolio review for graduate students. A studio course in drawing focusing on the fundamentals of communicating a narrative through sequential images. Applications include concept art for graphic novels, children’s books, comic strips, video games, storyboarding for live action and animated films including instructional and marketing applications, plus character and scene development.
ARTIS 573X. Video art. (Dual-listed with 473X) (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or Permission of Instructor Usage of professional video editing software and application of best practices for video production and post-production to realize original artworks. Creation of narrative and non-narrative videos and site specific video installations. prominent examples in the history of video art provide context for the coursework. Non-repeatable for graduate students.
ASL 107X. Introduction to the Deaf-World. (1-0) Cr. 1 F. Nature and significance of the Deaf-World as a cultural and linguistic minority.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
ASL 305X. ASL Classifiers and Depiction. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: ASL 205. Focused analysis, documentation, discussion, and increased development of classifiers and depiction in ASL. Investigation in how these grammatical features are deliberately incorporated into conversational, presentational, scientific, and artistic language production.
ASL 325X. Deaf Peoples: Pre-World War II. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: ASL 206 or instructor's permission. Perspectives on and treatment of deaf people as individuals and groups prior to World War II. Taught in American Sign Language.
Meets U.S. Diversity Requirement.
ASL 350X. Comparative Linguistics of American Sign Language. (Cross-listed with LING 350X) (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ASL 206. Scientific and stylistic language analysis. Phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, and social-cultural pragmatics of American Sign Language. Comparative prescriptive and descriptive views on ASL and English form and function.