A E 160X Systematic Problem Solving and Computer Programming. Cr. 3. S. (Same as BSE) Prereqs: MATH 165 or enrollment in MATH 142. Engineering approach to problem solution and presentation in the context of real world problems. Introduction to basic principles from statics, projectile motion, conservation of mass and energy, and electricity and magnetism. Use of spreadsheet programs and computer programming language(s) to solve and present engineering problems. Introduction to interfacing computers to sensor systems for data collection.
A E 273X. CAD for Process Facilities and Land Use Planning (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Same as BSE 273X). Prereqs: ENGR 170 or TSM 116 or equivalent. 8-week course. Application of 2-D AutoCAD software to create and interpret 3-D drawings of plant layouts and soil water conservation structures. Use drawings to evaluate options and to create design documentation: stand drawing views, dimension, and notes.
A E 423X. Energy and the Environment. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereqs: MATH 160 or higher, PHYS 221; A E 216 or M E 231. Overview of energy engineering principles, energy use, and environmental impacts. Fossil fuel energy resources and conversion. Nuclear energy principles, reactors, fuel cycle. Renewable energy systems: solar, wind, water, and biomass conversions. Air, water and land pollution. Energy, global warming, and climate change.
A ECL 457L. Herpetology Laboratory. Cr. 1. S. (Same as BIOL 457L) Prereqs: BIOL 351 or BIOL/A ECL 365. Laboratory to accompany Biology/Animal Ecology 457. Focus on survey methods, identification, relationships, distribution, habits, and habitats of amphibians and reptiles.
A ECL 458L. Ornithology Laboratory. (0-3) Cr. 1. S. (Cross-listed with BIOL 458L). Prereq: BIOL 351 or BIOL/A ECL 365; concurrent enrollment in A ECL 458 or BIOL 458 required. Laboratory complements lecture topics with emphasis on external anatomy, identification and distribution of Midwest birds, and field trips.
A ECL 459L. Mammalogy Laboratory. (0-3) Cr. 1. S. (Cross-listed with BIOL 459L). Prereq: BIOL 351 or BIOL/A ECL 365; concurrent enrollment in A ECL 459 or BIOL 459 required. Laboratory focus on identification, survey methods, distribution, habits, and habitats of mammals. Several field trips.
A TR 218X. Orientation to Athletic Training Clinical Experience. (0-2) Cr. 0.5. Pre-athletic training clinical experience designed to orientate students to the athletic training profession prior to enrolling in athletic training course sequence. Students will observe athletic trainers in various athletic training clinical sites. Open to pre-athletic training students only. Offered on a satisfactory - fail grading basis only.
A M D 329X. Digital Textile Printing for Apparel Design. (2-2) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: A M D 321 and A M D 325. Overview of the use of digital printing in the textile and apparel industry, color matching, repeat print patterns, engineered prints, and creation of apparel prototypes.
ACCT 589X. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: ACCT 501. Examines the theory and practice of social and environmental reporting, the role of the corporation in society, and the mechanisms by which society might hold corporations accountable for their actions.
AER E 433X. Spacecraft Dynamics and Control. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: EM 345 (Dynamics) Introduction to modern spacecraft attitude dynamics and control. Rotational kinematics and 3-dimensional rigid-body dynamics. Stability of spinning spacecraft. Spacecraft attitude stabilization and rotational maneuvers. Spacecraft attitude determination and control subsystems (ADCS). Spacecraft actuators, sensors, and external disturbances.
AER E 463X. Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with AER E 563X). Prereq: senior standing in College of Engineering. Introduction to the theory and methods of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), including system coupling, system sensitivity methods, decomposition methods, MDO formulations (such as multiple-discipline feasible (MDF), individual discipline feasible (IDF) and all-at-once (AAO) approaches, and MDO search methods.
AER E 468X. Large-Scale Complex Engineered Systems (LSCES). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Cross-listed with IE 468X). Prereq: senior standing in College of Engineering or permission of AER E 468X instructor. Introduction to the theorectical foundation and methods associated with the design for large-scale complex engineered systems, including objective function formation, design reliability, value-driven design, product robustness, utility theory, economic factors for the formation of a value function and complexity science as a means of detecting unintended consequences in the product behavior.
AER E 511X. Wind Energy System Design (WESD). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AERE 310, AERE321, AERE 331 (or equivalent courses) or WESEP 501X. Advanced design, control, and operation of horizontal-axis wind turbines which include design loads, component design and prediction of its residual life, design of wind farms, electro-mechanical energy conversion systems, optimal control, life-cycle management.
AER E 563X. Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with AER E 463X). Introduction to the theory and methods of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO), including system coupling, system sensitivity methods, decomposition methods, MDO formulations (such as multiple-discipline feasible (MDF), individual discipline feasible (IDF) and all-at-once (AAO) approaches, and MDO search methods.
AER E 568X. Large-Scale Complex Engineered Systems (LSCES). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Cross-listed with IE 568X). Prereq: senior standing in College of Engineering or permission of AER E 568X instructor. Introduction to the theorectical foundation and methods associated with the design for large-scale complex engineered systems, including objective function formation, design reliability, value-driven design, product robustness, utility theory, economic factors for the formation of a value function and complexity science as a means of detecting unintended consequences in the product behavior.
AESHM 112X. Orientation for AESHM. (1-0) Cr. 1. Prereq: AESHM majors only. Orientation policies and procedures of university, college, department, and program. Some online lectures.
AESHM 113X. Professional Development. (2-0) Cr. 2. Prereq: Concurrent with AESHM 112X for new students. Career exploration, presentation and professional skills, teamwork and leadership, creativity, critical thinking, technology, and service learning components.
AESHM 211X. Leadership Experiences and Development (LEAD). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Introduction to leadership behaviors. Development and utilization of leadership behaviors to positively impact school life, community life, and work life.
AESHM 472X. Fashion Show Management. (2-2) Cr. 2-3. Repeatable for one time for 2 credits, maximum of 5 credits. S. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Provide leadership and communicate direction for planning and production of fashion show including developing budgets, publicity, advertising, fundraising, choreography, staging, lighting, and food.
AGEDS 388X. Agricultural Mechanics Applications. (2-3) Cr. 3. Repeatable. F, S, SS.Introduction to SMAW (Arc), GMAW (Mig), GTAW (Tig), Oxy-Fuel welding, Oxy-Fuel cutting, and Plasma cutting theories and applications. Emphasis will be on theoretical foundation of welding, safety, welding skill development, and management of equipment, and materials. Introduction to small engines and applications. Emphasis will be on theory of operating systems, maintenance, troubleshooting, failure analysis, and safety.
AGEDS 461X. Technology Transfer and the Role of Agricultural and Extension Education. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual listed with 561X). Impact of agricultural and extension education processes on development and their role in the transfer of agricultural technology. Utilizing situational analysis techniques to analyze and solve problems in international agricultural education programs.
AGEDS 475X. Agri-Marketing and Communications Competition. (2-0) Cr. 1-2. Repeatable. F, S. Prereq: Admission by invitation. Specialized training in communication and agricultural marketing knowledge and skills in preparation for intercollegiate competition. Maximum of 6 credits can be applied toward graduation.
AGEDS 511X. Professional Presentation Strategies for Audiences on Agricultural Issues. (3-0) Cr. 3 F.S. SS. Prereqs: Graduate classification. Utilizing instructional methods, techniques, and problem-solving presentation strategies.
AGEDS 561X. Technology Transfer and the Role of Agricultural and Extension Education. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Dual-listed with 461X). Impact of agricultural and extension education processes on development and their role in the transfer of agricultural technology. Utilizing situational analysis techniques to analyze and solve problems in international agricultural education programs.
AGRON 259X. Organic Compounds in Plant and Soil Environments. (3-0) Cr. 3 S. Prereqs: Chem 163, 167, or 177; 6 credits in Agronomy recommended. Structure, function, and transformations of organic compounds significant in plant and soil environments.
AGRON 388X. Agronomic Sciences in Theory and Practice. (1-0) Cr. 1 F. Prereqs: Junior or senior classification. Scientific methodologies and ethics. Preparation for writing an optional undergraduate thesis.
AGRON 506X. Plant Genetics. (3-0) Cr. 3 F.S. Prereqs: AGRON 114 or HORT 221, MATH 140, CHEM 163 and BIOL 101. Fundamental genetic and cytogenetic concepts from plant perspective including reproductive systems, recombination, segregation, linkage analysis, inbreeding, quantitative inheritance, fertility regulation, and polyploidy. Registration is restricted to students in the distance Master of Science in Plant Breeding program.
AGRON 520X. Plant Breeding Methods. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AGRON 527. Breeding methods used in the genetic improvement of self-pollinated, cross-pollinated and asexually reproducing agronomic and horticultural crops. Application of biotechnology techniques in the development of improved cultivars.
AGRON 524X. Applied Plant Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AGRON 527. Basic principles and applied techniques used in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Discussion of structure and function of genes that control traits of value. Types of molecular markers, analysis of quantitatively inherited traits, genome mapping, analyses of databases.
AGRON 525X. Crop and Soil Modeling. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: Math 181 or 165 or equivalent, Agron 316 or Agron 354 or equivalent. Understanding basic crop physiology and soil processes through the use of mathematical and statistical approaches. Structure of crop models, dynamics and relationship among components such as leaf-level photosynthesis, canopy architecture, root dynamics and soil carbon and nitrogen pools.
AGRON 528X. Quantitative Genetics for Plant Breeding. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AGRON 506 and AGRON 513. An introduction to the application of quantitative genetics to plant breeding programs.
AGRON 544X. Host-Pest Interactions. (3-0) Cr. 3 F.S. Prereq: Agron 501; graduate enrollment in the plant breeding program. Incorporation of the principles of integrated pest management and crop protection. Management systems (biological, cultural, chemical) and strategies which practice principles of weed science, plant pathology, and entomology.
AGRON 556X. Agroecosystem Nutrient Cycles. (3-0) Cr. 3 F.Prereqs: 3 credits in chemistry, 6 credits in biology. Recommended: ENSCI 382, 553, EEB 484/584 or upper-level coursework in nutrient cycles. Major, biologically important agroecosystem nutrient cycles as linked to energy (carbon) and water. Effects of agricultural production and management on cycling within systems and transfer among system at local, regional and global scales will be emphasized.
AGRON 601X. Agronomic Science Presentations. (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereq: graduate status in agronomic science. Experience in critical communications in exchange of ideas through oral and poster presentations and scientific questioning/evaluation.
AN S 116X. Practicum in Safe Horse Handling and Welfare. (0-3) Cr. 1. F.SS. Development of best practices for safe horse handling and practical equine health care tasks. Course will focus on equine welfare and human safety as well as provide training in necessary every day skills needed to own a horse or to work at a horse farm. Certificate of Safe Equine Handling and Welfare available upon course completion. Offered on a satisfactory - fail grading basis only.
AN S 190X. Livestock Handling, Safety and Welfare. (1.5-1) Cr. 2. SS. Prereq: AN S 101. Understanding of animal perception to develop best care practices involved in handing of livestock species (beef, sheep, swine, dairy, equine, poultry). Intensive development of skills associated with handling and moving healthy and compromised livestock in respect to human and animal welfare. Integration of scientific and theoretical knowledge of biosecurity and animal-human interactions as it related to livestock handling and movement.
AN S 207X. Art and Heritage of Livestock. (3-0) CR. 3. F. Using art as a venue to understand the legacy and heritage of livestock production and livestock’s contribution to civilization and society; livestock's contributions to warfare, social class, industry, economies, etc.; history of the impact of livestock on painting, poetry, music, sculpture, advertising, pop culture, movies, religion and sports in society.
AN S 260X. Introduction to Controversies in Science and Society. (Same as NREM 260X, FS HN 260X.) (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Introduction to evaluating controversial and multifaceted issues in natural resource management, animal science, and food science. Critically examine stakeholders’ beliefs, values, and ethics, while determining the credibility of information sources. Case studies and team-based activities.
AN S 280X. Basic Swine Science. (2-0) Cr. 2 F. Prereqs: An S 101, 114. Basic disciplines and concepts involved in swine production including; industry structure, trends and statistics; production phases and buildings; genetic improvement; reproduction; nutrition; health and biosecurity; nutrient management; marketing and meat quality and career opportunities in the swine industry. Only AnS 280X and AnS 280LX or AnS 225 may count toward graduation.
AN S 310X. Advanced Career Preparation in Animal Science (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereqs: AN S 210. 8-week course. Awareness and development of soft skills and critical thinking skills. Assist students in specific career paths and goals pertaining to the field of veterinary medicine, graduate education, or employment after graduation. Only one credit of AN S 310A, 310B, 310C may be applied toward graduation. Offered Satisfactory-Fail only. Special course fee.
A. Veterinary Medicine
B. Graduate School
C. Industry
AN S 324X. Food Processing for Companion Animals. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: AnS 270 and AnS 319; Junior classification. Food processing and nutrition for carnivorous companion animals. Topics covered include meat processing and meat preservation for companion animal diets, regulatory standards, cutting edge technologies for processing meat for companion animals, dietary needs of carnivorous companion animals, effect of different processing methods on safety and nutrient bioavailability.
AN S 350X. Genomics and Its Application to Medicine and Agriculture. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: Biol 313 or Gen 320. Introduction to genomics and the application of structural functional genomic data in biomedicine and agriculture. Emphasis on learning the tools for analyzing and understanding the meaning of genomic data in several contexts. Students will also discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of increased use of genomic data in society.
AN S 382X. Swine Environment Management (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereqs: 225 or 280X and 280L. Recommended TSM210. Response of swine to thermal environment, ventilation system design and analysis, heating and cooling systems, and examples of various designs for all phases of production. Troubleshooting ventilation systems and energy analysis of production units.
AN S 383X. Swine Manure and Nutrient Management. (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereq: 225 or 280X and 280L. Function, application, and advantages and disadvantages of nutrient management systems. Manure production rates, manure handling systems, storage and manure management planning for land application and odor mitigation strategies.
AN S 384X. Swine Health and Biosecurity. (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: 225 or 280X and 280L. Recommended a course in microbiology. Overview of standard biosecurity protocols and identification of behavior and clinical signs of illness in pigs. Treatment administration and prevention methods. Introduction to immune system function and basic swine disease transmission.
AN S 441X. International Animal Agriculture. (3-0) Cr. 3. (Cross-listed with GLOBE 441X). Prereq: Two courses from AN S 223, AN S 225, AN S 226, AN S 229, AN S 235. An overview of animal agriculture with emphasis on animal agriculture in developing countries. Historical, economic, environmental; and political considerations will be assessed and evaluated. Issues related to gender, resilience and sustainability for different production systems will be investigated.
AN S 569X. Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Cr. 2 F. Same as TOX 569X. Prereqs: BBMD 301, Biology 258 or An S 331. Chemical agents that target developmental and reproductive systems in animals and humans, both male and female. The influence that timeline of developmental in utero and what part of reproductive organ have on outcome of environmental exposures will be developed. The physiological changes due to exposure, and mechanistic pathways activated by xenobiotics will be defined and the consequences of these changes will be explored.
AN S 618X. Vitamins and Minerals. (Cross-listed with NUTRS 618X) (2-0) Cr. 2. Alt. S. offered 2014. Prereq: Physiology course, gradate level nutrition and biochemistry courses. Understanding molecular aspects of vitamin and mineral metabolism and homeostasis in humans and animals. An in-depth examination of the chemistry of vitamins, and minerals, including genetic mutations, proteins involved in absorption and excretion and their necessity in biological processes.
ANTHR 419X. Topics in Cultural Anthropology. (3-0) Cr. 3. Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits. Prereq: ANTHR 306. In-depth study of current topics in cultural anthropology, such as recent theoretical trends, new methodologies, or new research on a specific region. Topics vary each time offered. 419A. Theory; 419B. Methods; 419C. Regional Focus; 419D. Others. Each section may be taken once for credit up to 9 credits.
ARABC 202X. Intermediate Arabic II. (4-0) Cr. 4. S. Prereq: 201X. Continuation of Arabic 201X. Intermediate development of reading, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking skills in Modern Standard Arabic within the context of the Arabic world.
ARCH 323X. Theories of Architecture. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ARCH 221, ARCH 222. Survey of theories impacting the production of architecture, historically and in contemporary practice. Emphasis will be given to recent movements and architectural manifestations, as well as close examinations of socio-cultural conditions.
ARCH 584X. Architecture Internship Seminar. (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereqs: Enrollment in Architecture graduate program. Procedural and ethical concerns relating to architecture internship. Preparation of placement credentials and formulation of personal goals. Internship plans and agreements. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.
ARCH 585X. Architecture Internship (2-0) Cr. 2. SS. Prereqs: ARCH 284X or permission of instructor. Professional architectural internship off-campus experience.
ART H 386X. American Art to 1945. Cr. 3. SS. Prereq: none. Survey of American art from the early colonial period to 1945, with emphasis on historical and cultural issues that underlie art production in the United States.
ARTED 209X. Methods of Teaching in and Though Art. Cr. 2. F.S. Prereq: Sophomore level. Methods of teaching in and through visual art are experienced and applied in this course. Art-centered and interdisciplinary art education methods for K-8 teaching are designed to develop creativity, authentic expression, collaboration, esthetic sensitivity and pluralistic, global perspectives. Special course fees.
ARTGR 407X. Applications in Digital Media. (0-6) Cr. 3 F. Prereq: ARTGR 307X, ARTGR 308X. Application of 3D modeling and animation using computer and available software.
ARTIS 331X. Alternative Materials for the Artist/Designer. (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: 200-level studio courses, or permission of instructor. Exploration of alternative materials (primarily non-metallics, both natural and manufactured) applicable to the design and creation of small designed objects and adornment. Students will learn additive and reductive processes, experiment with found object inclusion, rubber mold-making, and resin casting. A series of finished pieces will result.
ARTIS 362X. Artists, Designers and Sustainable Development. (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: Junior level standing in the College of Design or University. The artist/designer’s role in sustainable development with a focus on cultural understanding of the collaborating communities. Class discussion, visual exercises, and the creation of creative collaborative service-learning projects such as product design, habitat design, and visual arts projects. Pre-orientation for travel to Ghana in ARTIS 363X. Special course fees.
ARTIS 363X. Studio Abroad: Ghana (0-6) Cr. 3. SS. Prereqs: ARTIS 362X. Traveling studio to Ghana, West Africa. An experiential tour of arts and history combined with design focused collaborative service-learning projects. Projects may include product development, design consultation, sustainable building design, and learning and teaching of visual arts. Student teams will develop these projects in partnership with host country nationals. Meets International Perspectives Requirement
ARTIS 473X. Video art. (Dual-listed with 573X) (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or Permission of Instructor Usage of professional video editing software and application of best practices for video production and post-production to realize original artworks. Creation of narrative and non-narrative videos and site specific video installations. prominent examples in the history of video art provide context for the coursework. Non-repeatable for graduate students.
ARTIS 528X. Off the Wall. Photography for Mixed Media. (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate standing or advanced photography. This photography course is focused on experimental and historic photographic processes, as well as non-traditional display or context. Special course fees.
ARTIS 571X. Critique Seminar. Cr. 3. Prereq: Admission into graduate program in the College of Design. Ongoing weekly critiques and dialog about sources, methods, and progress of studio projects. Graduate students will learn to articulate their ideas from concept to creation. The interaction of students at different levels ina broad spectrum of studio courses will reveal commonalities and connections between all of the visual arts, accelerating individual creative development. Repeatable up to 12 credits.
ARTIS 573X. Video art. (Dual-listed with 473X) (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ARTIS 212 or Permission of Instructor Usage of professional video editing software and application of best practices for video production and post-production to realize original artworks. Creation of narrative and non-narrative videos and site specific video installations. prominent examples in the history of video art provide context for the coursework. Non-repeatable for graduate students.