A E 537X TMDL Development and Implementation (2-2) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: CE 372 or equivalent. A project-based course to develop a water quality improvement plan. The legislative and judicial basis of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program, different approaches for TMDL development, data needs and sources, SWAT modeling, and principles and techniques for implementation of water quality improvement plans.
ADVRT 497B. Special Topics in Communication: Corporate Communication Cases. Cr. 3. (Same as
JL MC 497B). Geske. A look at current topics in Corporate Communication Cases. Discussion and understanding of the different roles of Advertising and Public Relations. Learning to think critically and analytically about real issues in the business. Case studies will be used and those subjects may include: the Changing Environment for Business; Communicating Strategically; An Overview of the Corporate Communication Function; Identity, Image, Reputation, and Corporate Advertising; Corporate Responsibility; Media Relations; Internal Communications; Investor Relations; Government Relations; Crisis Communication. Students will analyze the cases and provide written and oral presentation of their findings.
AER E 433X Spacecraft Dynamics and Control (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: EM 345 (Dynamics) Introduction to modern spacecraft attitude dynamics and control. Rotational kinematics and 3-dimensional rigid-body dynamics. Stability of spinning spacecraft. Spacecraft attitude stabilization and rotational maneuvers. Spacecraft attitude determination and control subsystems (ADCS). Spacecraft actuators, sensors, and external disturbances. Nonmajor graduate credit.
AESHM 175X Financial Appications for the Retail & Hospital Industries Cr. 2 F. Prereqs: none. Overview of concepts, calculations and formulas commonly used in the apparel and hospitality industries. Emphasis on problem solving, critical/creative thinking, and mathematical interpretation and application of calculations and formulas used within the apparel and hospitality industries.
AESHM 222X Creative Thinking and Problem Solving. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Focus on creative thinking concepts, strategies, and methods. Systematic application of creative thinking techniques to: view things from different perspectives, identify unique opportunities, solve problems, generate multiple unique ideas, and evaluate ideas.
AF AM 259X. African American Leadership. Cr. 3. F11. Rise and development of leadership among blacks in American history from the earliest of times to the present. Studies of selected 19th and 20th century individuals, ideologies and movements; black leadership traditions, visions and challenges in American history.
AF AM 340X. Global African Diasporas. (3-0). Cr. 3. S.F. Prereq: Af Am 201. Analysis and examination of the conceptual, methodological and spatial dimensions of the global dispersion of African Diasporas; emphasis on social transformations and similarities and differences between African Diasporas. Nonmajor graduate credit. Meets International Perspectives requirement.
AGEDS 116X Initial Field Experience in Agricultural Education. (1-2) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: AGEDS majors only. Field experience in a formal education setting designed to explore teaching as a career through guided observation and interviews, reflection, and on-campus dialogue.
AGEDS 461X. Technology Transfer and the Role of Agricultural and Extension Education. (3-0) Cr. 3. Dual listed with 561X. Impact of agricultural and extension education processes on development and their role in the transfer of agricultural technology. Utilizing situational analysis techniques to analyze and solve problems in international agricultural education programs.
AGEDS 465X/HORT 465X. Horticulture Enterprise Management. (1-6) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: ECON 230, 6 credits of horticulture and junior classification. Participation in the management and operation of fruit and vegetable enterprises for local markets. Plans, records and decisions for planting, operating, harvesting, and marketing fruit and vegetables.
A. Planting
B. Harvesting
C. Marketing
AGEDS 475X. Agri-Marketing and Communications Competition. (2-0) Cr. 1-2. Repeatable. F, S. Prereq: Admission by invitation. Specialized training in communication and agricultural marketing knowledge and skills in preparation for intercollegiate competition. Maximum of 6 credits can be applied toward graduation.
AGEDS 511X Professional Agricultural Presentation Practices (3-0) Cr. 3 F.SS. Prereqs: Graduate classification. The identification and use of key planning, delivery and evaluation of presentations using audience engagement techniques focused on research-based principles and field-based practices of professional presenters in agriculture and the life sciences.
AGEDS 561X. Technology Transfer and the Role of Agricultural and Extension Education. (3-0) Cr. 3. Dual listed with 461X. Impact of agricultural and extension education processes on development and their role in the transfer of agricultural technology. Utilizing situational analysis techniques to analyze and solve problems in international agricultural education programs.
AGRON 106X. Climate and Global Resources. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Understanding climate and its effects on global distribution of food and water resources. The nature of climate and its variability in space and time. Use of satellites and related technology to monitor agricultural production, water availability and climate. Influence of climate and climate change on drought famine and other disruptions of essential resources.
AGRON 217X. Weed Identification. (0-3) Cr. 1. F. (First 8 weeks). Prereq: Biol 101 or equivalent. Identification of important weeds of agricultural, horticultural and native ecosystems. Principles of plant taxonomy and classification. Field trips.
AGRON 259X Organic Compounds in Plant and Soil Environments (3-0) Cr. 3 S. Prereqs: Chem 163, 167, or 177; 6 credits in Agronomy recommended. Structure, function, and transformations of organic compounds significant in plant and soil environments.
AGRON 388X Agronomic Sciences in Theory and Practice (1-0) Cr. 1 F. Prereqs: Junior or senior classification. Scientific methodologies and ethics. Preparation for writing an optional undergraduate thesis.
AGRON 389X Tutorial in Undergraduate Agronomic Research (2-0) Cr. 2 S. Prereqs: Junior or senior classification; Credit for 388X recommended. Scientific research and communications: Reading and evaluating agronomic literature; selecting research questions, organizing the logistics to collect valid scientific data, writing effective proposals.
AGRON 520X Plant Breeding Methods. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AGRON 527. Breeding methods used in the genetic improvement of self-pollinated, cross-pollinated and asexually reproducing agronomic and horticultural crops. Application of biotechnology techniques in the development of improved cultivars.
AGRON 524X Applied Plant Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: AGRON 527. Basic principles and applied techniques used in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Discussion of structure and function of genes that control traits of value. Types of molecular markers, analysis of quantitatively inherited traits, genome mapping, analyses of databases.
AGRON 525X Crop and Soil Modeling (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: Math 181 or 165 or equivalent, Agron 316 or Agron 354 or equivalent. Understanding basic crop physiology and soil processes through the use of mathematical and statistical approaches. Structure of crop models, dynamics and relationship among components such as leaf-level photosynthesis, canopy architecture, root dynamics and soil carbon and nitrogen pools.
AGRON 556X Agroecosystem Nutrient Cycles (3-0) Cr. 3 F.Prereqs: 3 credits in chemistry, 6 credits in biology. Recommended: ENSCI 382, 553, EEB 484/584 or upper-level coursework in nutrient cycles. Major, biologically important agroecosystem nutrient cycles as linked to energy (carbon) and water. Effects of agricultural production and management on cycling within systems and transfer among system at local, regional and global scales will be emphasized.
AGRON 601X Agronomic Science Presentations. (2-0) Cr. 2. S. Prereq: graduate status in agronomic science. Experience in critical communications in exchange of ideas through oral and poster presentations and scientific questioning/evaluation.
AN S 270L. Foods of Animal Origin Laboratory Cr. 1. F.S. Credit or current enrollment in An S 270 Determination of composition and quality of meat, eggs and milk based on industry and USDA standards. Fundamentals of processing foods of animal origin to add value, maintain quality and ensure safety.
AN S 280X Basic Swine Science (2-0) Cr. 2 F. Prereqs: An S 101, 114. Basic disciplines and concepts involved in swine production including; industry structure, trends and statistics; production phases and buildings; genetic improvement; reproduction; nutrition; health and biosecurity; nutrient management; marketing and meat quality and career opportunities in the swine industry. Only AnS 280X and AnS 280LX or AnS 225 may count toward graduation.
AN S 280L Basic Swine Science Lab (0-2) Cr. 1 F. Prereqs: Credit or enrollment in An S 280X; instructor permission. Basic application of concepts presented in basic swine science course. Including: artificial insemination; handling; semen collection; health and biosecurity; financial analysis; pig flow; buildings and ventilation; and feed management. Only AnS 280X and AnS 280LX or AnS 225 may count toward graduation.
AN S 312X Livestock Production for Niche Markets (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: 6 credits of courses in animal science. Overview of the factors that define and shape niche markets for livestock products. Designing and operating livestock systems to meet demands of niche markets. Regulatory guidelines and marketing approaches for niche livestock production and markets.
AN S 324X Food Processing for Companion Animals (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: AnS 270 and AnS 319; Junior classification. Food processing and nutrition for carnivorous companion animals. Topics covered include meat processing and meat preservation for companion animal diets, regulatory standards, cutting edge technologies for processing meat for companion animals, dietary needs of carnivorous companion animals, effect of different processing methods on safety and nutrient bioavailability.
AN S 350X Genomics and Its Application to Medicine and Agriculture. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: Biol 313 or Gen 320. Introduction to genomics and the application of structural functional genomic data in biomedicine and agriculture. Emphasis on learning the tools for analyzing and understanding the meaning of genomic data in several contexts. Students will also discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of increased use of genomic data in society.
AN S 380X Topics in Advanced Swine Production (1-0) Cr. 1 F. Prereqs: AnS 225 or 280X, 280LX; 380A; 331 recommended. Recommendations are course specific. Each semester students will focus on different topics related to swine production. This is an online course through Ag*Idea. Each topic may be taken only one time.
AN S 380LX Advanced Swine Science Lab (Immersion Course) Cr. 1 F. Prereqs: AnS 225 and or AnS 280X and AnS 280LX Advanced application of concepts associated with swine production. Including: semen processing; troubleshooting production efficiency; risk management; marketing; buildings and ventilation; and on farm euthanasia and carcass disposal. Satisfactory - falil grading.
An S 382X. Swine Environment Management (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: 225 or 280X and 280L. Recommended TSM210. Response of swine to thermal environment, ventilation system design and analysis, heating and cooling systems, and examples of various designs for all phases of production. Troubleshooting ventilation systems and energy analysis of production units.
AN S 383X. Swine Manure and Nutrient Management (1-0) Cr. 1. S. Prereq: 225 or 280X and 280L. Function, application, and advantages and disadvantages of nutrient management systems. Manure production rates, manure handling systems, storage and manure management planning for land application and odor mitigation strategies
AN S 384X. Swine Health and Biosecurity (1-0) Cr. 1. F. Prereq: 225 or 280X and 280L. Recommended a course in microbiology. Overview of standard biosecurity protocols and identification of behavior and clinical signs of illness in pigs. Treatment administration and prevention methods. Introduction to immune system function and basic swine disease transmission.
AN S 543X. Environmental Management of Livestock. (Same as Agron 543X) (1-2) Cr. 2. Prereq: An S 319, or Agron 212 and Agron 354. Relationship of livestock production to environmental quality. Management approaches to preserve environmental quality and optimize productivity of farming enterprises through effective integration of resources in confinement and grazing-based livestock production systems. Development of management plans. A. Grazing and pathogen issues. B. Nutrient and gaseous emissons issues
AN S 569X Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Cr. 2 F. Prereqs: BBMD 301, Biology 258 or An S 331. Chemical agents that target developmental and reproductive systems in animals and humans, both male and female. The influence that timeline of developmental in utero and what part of reproductive organ have on outcome of environmental exposures will be developed. The physiological changes due to exposure, and mechanistic pathways activated by xenobiotics will be defined and the consequences of these changes will be explored.
AN S 618X. Vitamins and Minerals. (Cross-listed with NUTRS 618X) (2-0) Cr. 2. Alt. S. offered 2012. Prereq: Physiology course, gradate level nutrition and biochemistry courses. Understanding molecular aspects of vitamin and mineral metabolism and homeostasis in humans and animals. An in-depth examination of the chemistry of vitamins, and minerals, including genetic mutations, proteins involved in absorption and excretion and their necessity in biological processes.
ANTHR 354X. War and the Politics of Humanitarianism. (Cross-listed with POL S 354X) (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: POL S 235, POL S 251, or ANTHR 230. Humanitarianism as a system of thought and a system of intervention in conflict and post-conflict situations: role of humanitarian organizations and actors in addressing human suffering caused by conflict or war military action as a form of humanitarian intervention.
ARABC 202X. Intermediate Arabic II (4-0) Cr. 4. S. Prereq: 201X. Continuation of Arabic 201X. Intermediate development of reading, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking skills in Modern Standard Arabic within the context of the Arabic world.
ART H 288X. Design on Display. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: Sophomore classification. This course provides a survey of World's Fairs and other international exhibitions, focusing on their displays of industrial products and relating these to overarching discourses of nationalism, colonialism, and political supremacy as they were articulated within the exhibitions.
ART H 386X. American Art to 1945. Cr. 3. S. Prereq: none. Survey of American art from the early colonial period to 1945, with emphasis on historical and cultural issues that underlie art production in the United States.
ARTGR 272X. Digital Photography for the Graphic Designer. Cr. 3. F.S. Prereqs: Registered in ArtGr 270 or ArtGr 271. This course will address the development of "seeing" as a medium of design, expression, and communication including compositional dynamics with digital image input devices, advanced digital image manipulation, software usage and support, color management and printing with digital ready formats.
ARTGR 307X. Principles of 3D Modeling. Cr. 3. F.S. Prereqs: ArtGR 275, ArtGR 276. Introduction to 3D modeling using computer and available software. Modeling, texturing, lighting, and rendering with respect to 3D object, still scene creation, detail, visualization, entertainment, self-expression, and preparation for animation and motion graphics.
ARTGR 308X. Introduction to Animation. Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ARTGR 307X. Introduction to animation using computer and available software. Prior knowledge of available 2D and 3D software is assumed. Nonmajor graduate credit.
ARTGR 585X.Investigative Mapping. (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Explores urban and rural space through the development of alternative cartography. Through readings in cartographic criticism, urban and rural representation, both historically and contemporarily. Students will produce and examine maps that reveal built spaces in unconventional ways.
ARTGR 589X. Design and Ethics. (3-0) Cr. 3 S. (Cross-listed with HCI 589X) Prereq: Permission of instructor or graduate classification. This course will introduce the ethnical decisions and the social and policy challenges associated with technology and design as they apply to design research and the design industry. The course covers areas of ethics, ethical reasoning, technology policy decisions and their social impacts, and ethical research practices in human-computer based design. This course will be offered both online and offline. Online class will be limited to distance learning student.
ARTGR 611X. Teaching in Higher Education and Design Practice. Cr. 3. Prereq: graduate classification. Designed for the intellectual benefit of a student considering a career as a college faculty member or professional practice in design fields.
ArtIS 319X. Studio Furniture. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: none. Familiarization with the origins, characteristics, and noted makers of "Studio Furniture." Exploration and application of furniture design principles and methods.
ArtIS 355X. Relief Printmaking: Digital/Traditional. Cr. 3. F. Dual-listed with ArtIS 555XPrereqs: Graduate Classification and permission of instructor. In-depth exploration of digital or traditional design and bock cutting processes (computer/laser cutter/CNC router or drawing/chisels). Use relief printmaking to create a unified body of prints from those blocks. Emphasis is on experimental and creative use of printmaking with sudy of contemporary trends.
ArtIS 528X. Off the Wall. Photography for Mixed Media. (0-6) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate standing or advanced photography. This photography course is focused on experimental and historic photographic processes, as well as non-traditional display or context. Nonmajor graduate credit. Special course fees.
ArtIS 555X. Relief Printmaking: Digital/Traditional. Cr. 3. F. Dual-listed with ArtIS 355XPrereqs: Graduate Classification and permission of instructor. In-depth exploration of digital or traditional design and bock cutting processes (computer/laser cutter/CNC router or drawing/chisels). Use relief printmaking to create a unified body of prints from those blocks. Emphasis is on experimental and creative use of printmaking with study of contemporary trends.
Astro 106X. Earth & Space Science for Elementary Education. (2-0) Cr. 2. F.S.SS. Cross-listed with Geol 106X.Prereqs: none. Fundamental concepts of Earth and Space Science including the solar system, weather and climate, water and soils, plate tectonics, and geologic hazards. Online course format. Restricted to Elementary Education majors.
Astro 106L. Earth & Space Science Lab for Elementary Education. (2-0) Cr. 1. F.S. Cross-listed with Geol 106L.Prereqs: Concurrent enrollment in Geol/Astro 106X. Inquiry-based lab exploring fundamental concepts of Earth and Space Science including the solar system, weather and climate, water and soils, plate tectonics, and geologic hazards. Online course format. Restricted to Elementary Education majors and must be taken concurrently with Geol/Astro 106X.